D.r.a.k. Občanské Sdružení

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About D.r.a.k. Občanské Sdružení

Civil society organisation D.R.A.K., z.s. provides social services since 2003.

Its activity is founded on these values: home, family, activity, communication. These values are also reflected in our name, D.R.A.K, composed from first letters of the respective Czech terms.

We are proud to base our approach on respect for human uniqueness.

Civil society organisation D.R.A.K. z.s. was founded in 2003 by people who found themselves in difficult conditions of life. Some of them became parents to a child with a physical disability, others were forced to manage the consequences of their own disability They have been enriched by the way they have managed this experience or impulse and this encouraged them to help others who faced similar difficulties.

The activities of the organization are focused mainly on 3 target groups:

  • Children, teenagers and adults with physical disability
  • Mothers, fathers and families caring for a disabled person
  • Persons and families at risk of social exclusion

We strive to offer these groups our comprehensive support, including counselling, education, activation, employment, meetings or leisure activities. We can help with preparing clients for independent living, practice self-sufficiency, developing social competences or counselling regarding compensation aids, social issues, education and carrier and support and preparation for entering job market.

We offer the following activities:

  • Family support meetings (combining handicraft and exchange of experiences, in a friendly informal atmosphere)
  • Psychorehabilitační pobyty s dětmi
  • Counselling
  • Lectures on health-social work issues

We are also involved in awareness-raising campaigns and in promoting the legitimate interests of people with disabilities, and we work closely with government agencies, medical facilities, schools and non-profit organizations with a similar focus. We also work with partners abroad to harmonize standards and approaches to supporting people with various types of disabilities in EU countries.

We provide and offer:

  • Sheltered work centres
  • Sewing and craft workshop
  • Sociální ošatník
  • Provided social services
  • Outreach programs
  • Social counselling
  • Social activation services for families
  • Social activation services for people with disability and seniors
  • D.R.A.K. volunteer centre
  • Voluntary work
  • Further education for social workers

The civil society D.R.A.K is currently facilitating several projects under the auspices of the European Social Fund. The target groups of these projects are both people with disabilities and the informal carers.

Our empolyees were a part of an education programme for non-governmental organizations, facilitated by the Foundation for the development of civil society in between 2005 and 2007.

Contact D.r.a.k. Občanské Sdružení

Address :

Oblačná 450/1, 460 05 Liberec, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Website : http://www.sdruzenidrak.cz/
Categories :
City : Liberec

Oblačná 450/1, 460 05 Liberec, Czechia
Zuzana BUDAYOVA on Google

Perfect ....
Luboš Josef Marek on Google

Ochotný a odborný personál
Helpful and professional staff
Božena Nikliborcova on Google

Příjemní lidé, příjemné vystupování a vyjdou vstříc..
Pleasant people, pleasant demeanor and come out to accommodate ..
Michael Tůmová on Google

Neb tam pracují úžasný lidé co mám moc ráda
Or there are amazing people I love
Rodina Štiťáková on Google

Zajimava zkusenost,prijemny kolektiv hendikepovanych lidi, ktery vyrabi rucni vyrobky.
He is interested in experience, pleasant team of handicapped people who produce handmade products.
Martin Kroll on Google

Pomáhá handicapovaným, chráněné dílny, služby jak tetreni, tak v oblasti setkávání, klubové činnosti a akce.
It helps handicapped people, sheltered workshops, services for tetreni as well as for meetings, club activities and events.
Petr Bezchleba on Google

Chráněné dílny a aktivity pro lidi s postižením. Skvělé zázemí i kolektiv.
Sheltered workshops and activities for people with disabilities. Great background and team.
jiri broz on Google

Pěkné prostředí...je vidět že ředitel se poctivě o vše stará a jak jsem viděl tak vše dělá sám a manuálně.
Nice environment ... you can see that the director takes good care of everything and as I saw, he does everything himself and manually.

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