DANSTR store s.r.o. - Partner of professionals - Smržov 129

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Contact DANSTR store s.r.o. - Partner of professionals

Address :

Smržov 129, 503 03 Smržov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 503
Website : https://danstr.cz/
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Smržov

Smržov 129, 503 03 Smržov, Czechia
Jaroslava Hanackova on Google

Martina P. on Google

Objednali jsme si 4 plastové židle + stůl. Jako dopravce jsme na základě dobrých zkušeností zvolili PPL. Paní Kateřina Opočenská, která ve firmě vystupuje dle jejího podpisu jako,, founder & CEO,, ,změnila svévolně dopravce na Českou poštu, což nám bylo oznameno emailem. Pošta v den doručení poslala předběžné info. Byli jsme doma a očekávali zásilku. Zásilka dorazila neohlasene az za dva dny, kdy jsme nebyli doma (žijeme v zahraničí), zásilku tak museli převzít sousedi. Po týdnu jsme si zásilku vyzvedli, balík byl na první pohled nepoškozený. Po vybalení z kartonu jsme se nestačili divit: stůl byl poškozený a židle dorazily pouze dvě místo čtyř!! Při stížnosti z naší strany paní Opočenská vyjádřila nad celou situací lítost, ale dále už nekomunikuje, na emaily nereaguje a telefon nezveda. Její jednání, včetně stylu komunikace je velice neprofesionální a neseriózní, bez nulové snahy vzniklou situaci řešit. NEDOPORUCUJI, pokud nechcete být podvedeni jako my.
We ordered 4 plastic chairs + table. As a carrier, we chose PPL based on good experience. Mrs. Kateřina Opočenská, who acts in the company as a "founder & CEO" according to her signature, arbitrarily changed the carrier to the Czech Post, which was notified to us by email. The post office sent preliminary info on the day of delivery. We were at home expecting a shipment. The shipment arrived unannounced and in two days, when we were not at home (we live abroad), the shipment had to be taken over by the neighbors. After a week, we picked up the shipment, the package was undamaged at first glance. After unpacking from the cardboard, we were not surprised: the table was damaged and the chairs arrived only two instead of four !! During the complaint from us, Mrs. Opočenská expressed her regret over the whole situation, but she no longer communicates, does not respond to emails and does not answer the phone. Her actions, including the style of communication, are very unprofessional and frivolous, without zero effort to solve the situation. I DO NOT RECOMMEND if you do not want to be deceived like us.
matko palenčík on Google

Objednal jsem kamaradovy zeminu 22×70L .opočenská semnou nejdriv psala.ptal jsem se jestli to prijde do konce tydne,rekla ze ano.samozrejme nic neprišlo.tak sem zrušil objednavku, a objednal jinde.pristi tyden to ta kráva stejne odeslala no a kamarad to proste vyplatil protoze si myslel ze je to ta objednavka z druhy firmy.načež za hodinu prišla prave ta.co ted stim. Asi nic ze jo.je to proste hnusna firma ktera je nespolehliva. Hledejte jinou aby ste nedopadli stejne
I ordered a friend's soil 22 × 70L .Oprčenská first wrote with me. I asked if it would come by the end of the week, she said yes. Of course nothing came. So I canceled the order here and ordered another time. Next week the cow sent it anyway and a friend it just paid off because he thought it was the order from the kind of company. then in an hour it came just that. now stim. Probably nothing. Yeah, it's just a disgusting company that's unreliable. Look for another so that you do not end up the same
David Sekyrka on Google

Již dlouhodobá spolupráce s firmou DANSTR store s.r.o na profesionální úrovni. Doporučuji!
Long-term cooperation with DANSTR store s.r.o on a professional level. I recommend!

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