Delta Technologie, s.r.o.

1/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Delta Technologie, s.r.o.

Address :

Domažlická 1256, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia

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Categories :
City : Praha 3 Žižkov

Domažlická 1256, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia
Vojta Mužík on Google

Michail Pogorelov on Google

Milan Lauko on Google

Absolutne katastrofálny servis. Servis som obednal v polovici 11teho mesiaca. Termín výkonu prislubili o 3 mesiace. Nedodržali ho. na výzvu kedy prídu, povedali že sa ozvú po víkende. Ani to nedodržali. Ked som volal opat, povedali že vedúci tam je až budúci týždeň.... som zvedaví kedy sa nám to podarí doriešiť a kolko krát sa ešte budem musieť pripomínať. Škoda. Je to len o ľudoch
Absolutely disastrous service. I served the service in the middle of the 11th month. The term of performance was 3 months. They did not keep him. on the call when they arrive, they said they would ring after the weekend. They did not even do it. When I called the abbot, they said that the leader was there until next week ... I wonder when we can do it and how many times do I still have to remind myself. It is a pity. It's just about the people

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