Department of Ophthalmology

4/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Department of Ophthalmology

Address :

Olomoucká 470, Předměstí, 746 01 Opava, Czechia

Categories :
City : Opava

Boženka Fišerová on Google

Captain-Mara on Google

Perfektní komunikace rychle a odborné ošetření. Můžu jenom doporučit.
Perfect communication quickly and professional treatment. I can only recommend.
Jelena Kudel on Google

Nejhorsi zazitek za poslednich par let. Dojeli jsme na pohotovost, kde jsme cekali hodinu s oteklym okem a rezavou bolesti. Krome informace na dverich, ze mate klepat, vas neprijemna lekarka serve ze Vysetrovna je od slova vysetrovat. Cekarna prazdna a zmatena sestra vybihajici a nic nerikajici, opet zaleze. Pres steny slysite diagnozu dalsiho pacienta. Po dalsi půlhodině, vezmou 2 pacienty co prisli po vas. A ve dverich nam pak oznamila ze se jedna o alergickou reakci a ze to klesne. Lepsi se asi vyhnout, nebo jet rovnou do Ostravy. Uvidime jak to cele dopadne.
The worst experience in the last few years. We reached the emergency room, where we waited an hour with swollen eye and rusty pain. In addition to the information on the door that you can knock, your unpleasant doctor serves from the Investigation Room is from the word to investigate. Waiting and confused, the nurse rushing out and saying nothing, creaks again. A diagnosis of another patient is heard across the walls. After another half hour, they take 2 patients who came after you. And in the door she was told that there was an allergic reaction and that it would drop. Better to avoid or go straight to Ostrava. Let's see how it all turns out.
Martin Zawierucha on Google

Má první návštěva ve Slezské nemocnici a na oční pohotovosti perfektní ošetření.
My first visit to the Silesian Hospital and the perfect eye care treatment.

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