DHA FOOD - Na Radosti 60

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact DHA FOOD

Address :

Na Radosti 60, 155 21 Zličín, Czechia

Postal code : 155
Categories :
City : Zličín

Na Radosti 60, 155 21 Zličín, Czechia
Zdeněk Fiedler on Google

Vlastislav Engel on Google

K vyzvednutí balíčku dobrý jinak malý výběr
A good otherwise small selection to pick up the package
Marie Vinsova on Google

Vyzvedávám si tam balíčky, fungují jako zásilkovna.
I pick up packages there, they work as a mail order.
Honza Štrobl on Google

Moc milí lidé. Poradí a pokud hledáte něco, co neprodávají, rádi objednají a dají vědět o dostupnosti.
Very nice people. They will advise you and if you are looking for something they are not selling, they will be happy to order and let you know about availability.
Tomas Triska on Google

Opakované návštěvy a vždy vše v pořádku. Ty jednohvězdičkové recenze nechápu. Jestli on nebude tak trochu problém v konkrétních lidech
Filip Horak on Google

katastrofa, je to smutny, ale vietnamci, kteri mluvi vietnamsky se chovaji lip (v plno jinych kramech), nez tento, ktery je ocividne narozen v cr a mluvi cesky. Arogance presne podle ucebnice. Proc si nekdo udela pobocku zasilkovny, kdyz ho prace s tim navic naprosto otravuje.
catastrophe, it's sad, but Vietnamese who speak Vietnamese behave better (in a lot of different shops) than this one, who is obviously born in the Czech Republic and speaks Czech. Arrogance exactly according to the textbook. Why does someone make a branch of a courier, when working with it makes them completely annoying.
Zuzana Bendová on Google

Pravidelně tam chodím pro balíčky s kočárkem. Při poslední návštěvě na mě Vietnamka začala ječet jako smyslů zbavená s tím, že s kočárkem se do prodejny nesmí (stála jsem s ním ve dveřích pod schodem). Kdyby to řekla normálně, tak bych tuhle recenzi nepsala...
I go there regularly for pram packages. During the last visit, the Vietnamese woman started screaming at her like she was deprived of her senses, saying that she was not allowed to enter the shop with a pram (I stood with him in the doorway under the stairs). If she had said it normally, I wouldn't have written this review ...
Daniel Turecek on Google

arogantni fracek, ktery sice provozuje pobocku zasilkovne, ale nezna zakladni pravidla, jak co delat. A kdyz se mu to clovek snazi bez emoci vysvetlit, tak vas ignoruje. Do toho jeci starsi zenska (asi jeho mama) cosi vietnamsky a regulerne mate pocit, ze vas chce zapichnout. Jako tenhle tipek je opravdu material. Ve finale mi rekne, ze muzu chodit jinam. Pritom ja mu nosim penize za neco, co on si zvolil, ze bude provozovat. Znovu pripominam, nejsem zadnej prudic a stacilo by, kdyby mi potvrdil predane baliky, coz ma proste dle postupu delat. Nic vic, nic min, ale pro tupce je to asi moc prace.
an arrogant faction, who runs a branch office, but does not know the basic rules of what to do. And when a person tries to explain it to him without emotion, he ignores you. There's something Vietnamese about that older woman (probably his mother) and you regularly feel like he wants to stab you. Like this tip, it's really material. In the finale, he tells me I can go somewhere else. At the same time, I bring him money for something he chose to run. Let me remind you again, I am not a back guard and it would be enough if he confirmed the packages sold to me, which I simply do according to the procedure. Nothing more, nothing min, but it's probably too much work for idiots.

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