Discgolf Opuštěná

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Discgolf Opuštěná

Address :

602 00 Brno-střed, Czechia

Categories :
City : Brno střed

602 00 Brno-střed, Czechia
Radek KALA on Google

Super hřiště. Jamky krátké dlouhé, lehké těžší. Prostě hřiště pro každého.
Super playground. Holes short long, light heavier. Just a playground for everyone.
Roman Senkyr on Google

Hned vedle je málo používané kolejiště a děti to místo milují...
There is a little-used track next door and the children love the place ...
J S on Google

Zbytečný, trapný a špatně provedený projekt. Stav, jak je “hřiště” naplánované a jak vypadá, perfektně vypovídá stavu na radnici, které vládnou nekompetentní děti ze Žít Brno a zelení fanatičtí neo-komunisté.
Unnecessary, embarrassing and poorly executed project. The state of the “playground” is planned and what it looks like perfectly reflects the state of the town hall, which is ruled by incompetent children from Living Brno and green fanatical neo-communists.
Michael Rádl on Google

Toto discgolfove hřiště je vhodne zejména pro začátečníky, nicméně i zkušení hráči zde ocení brněnskou nejdelší jamku a možnost tréninku dlouhých hodů. Oproti ostatním brněnským hřištím se zde nepohybuji civilisti a pejskari a nemusíte se bát ze někoho ohrozíte nebo někdo ohrozí váš disk. Dostupnost mhd neni příliš optimalni, ale da se dojet i autem nebo na kole po cyklostezce. U hřiště jsou i beach volejbalové kurty.
This discgolf course is especially suitable for beginners, but even experienced players will appreciate the Brno's longest hole and the possibility of training long throws. Unlike other courses in Brno, civilians and doggies do not move here and you do not have to worry about endangering someone or endangering your drive. The availability of public transport is not very optimal, but can be reached by car or bike on a bike path. Beach volleyball courts are also available.
Meg.A. Byte on Google

Zatím nejhorší hřiště na kterém jsem kdy hrál. Nezajímavé, ploché, škaredé. Netuším jak někdo mohl schválit umístění košů, protože jeden je 15 metrů od velice frekventované cesty a jiný 3 metry od cyklostezky, za kterou je hned sráz, křoví a řeka. U jednoho koše dokonce spal bezdomovec. Za mě absolutně nepřijatelné.
So far the worst course I've ever played. Uninteresting, flat, ugly. I do not know how anyone could approve the location of baskets, because one is 15 meters from a very busy road and another 3 meters from the bike path, behind which is a precipice, bushes and river. Even a homeless person slept in one basket. For me absolutely unacceptable.
Jakub Olšan on Google

Great DG course near the city centre. More for begginers except two or three parts. Sometimes there is a problem with a road near which you can hit if you are unskilled or river even if you are skilled a little. Nice course worth visiting if you are DG fan.
Marty Janík on Google

It is awesome. No fee, reasonable playground for the price. We had Frisbee and it was alright with it as well. Anyway, it's little bit walking to get there but it's worth it. The start and the end is by the river. Enjoy and good luck!
Alan Darra on Google

Very beginner friendly course. Short distances, not many trees, no elevation differences, No water hazards. Low rating because there are no trash bins anywhere and all sorts of rubbish is laying on the ground! Wear proper shoes if you want to play here.

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