Divadlo Oskara Nedbala - Divadelní 218

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Divadlo Oskara Nedbala

Address :

Divadelní 218, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +897
Postal code : 390
Website : http://www.divadlotabor.cz/
Categories :
City : Tábor

Divadelní 218, 390 01 Tábor, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

První stálá divadelní budova, otevřená 17. října 1840, vznikla na místě dnešního divadla z původní obilní sýpky. Teprve po zbourání Pražské brány se vytvořilo místo pro novou budovu, postavenou roku 1887. Vzorem se stala stavba Národního divadla v Praze, symbol kulturního obrození českého národa (novorenesanční tvar průčelí, výzdoba interiérů včetně hesla "Tábor sobě" nad oponou jeviště v komorním sále). Roku 1965 prodělalo divadlo náročnou rekonstrukci a zároveň vznikla moderní divadelní budova s novoklasicistní fasádou a s novým hledištěm pro téměř 700 diváků. The first permanent theater building, opened on October 17, 1840, was built on the site of today's theater from the original granary. Only after the demolition of the Prague Gate there was created enough space for a new object, which was built in 1887. The model of the National Theater in Prague became a symbol of the cultural revival of the Czech nation (neo-Renaissance façade, decoration of the interiors including the motto "Tábor sobě" [Tábor itself] above the curtain wall in the chamber). In 1965 the theater underwent a demanding reconstruction and at the same time created a modern artistic building with a neo-classical façade and a new auditorium for almost 700 spectators.
The first permanent theater building, opened on October 17, 1840, was built on the site of today's theater from the original grain granary. Only after the demolition of the Prague Gate was a place created for a new building, built in 1887. The building was the National Theater in Prague, a symbol of the cultural revival of the Czech nation (Neo-Renaissance facade shape, interior decoration including the slogan "Tábor itself" above the stage curtain in the chamber hall) . In 1965, the theater underwent a demanding reconstruction and at the same time a modern theater building with a neoclassical facade and a new auditorium for almost 700 spectators was created. The first permanent theater building, opened on October 17, 1840, was built on the site of today's theater from the original granary. Only after the demolition of the Prague Gate there was created enough space for a new object, which was built in 1887. The model of the National Theater in Prague became a symbol of the cultural revival of the Czech nation (neo-Renaissance façade, decoration of the interiors including the motto "Tábor sebe" [Tábor itself] above the curtain wall in the chamber). In 1965 the theater underwent a demanding reconstruction and at the same time created a modern artistic building with a neo-classical façade and a new auditorium for almost 700 spectators.
Ivan Bok on Google

Příjemné divadlo, krásné zrekonstruované a vzorně čisté, milý personál.
Pleasant theater, beautifully renovated and exemplary clean, nice staff.
Petr Bukovsky on Google

Místo pro kulturní zážitek. Pokud chcete parkovat v okolí nebo využít šatnu, doporučuji větší předstih. Kapacita sálu je veliká. I z balkonu je dobře vidět, ale už je to daleko. Prostředí čisté, Útulné. Pokud je výprodáno, tak bývá o přestávce problém u občerstvení a dámských toalet, ale to je asi všude stejné.
A place for a cultural experience. If you want to park nearby or use the locker room, I recommend more in advance. The capacity of the hall is large. It is also easy to see from the balcony, but it is already far. Environment clean, cozy. If it is sold out, there is usually a problem with refreshments and women's toilets during the break, but it is probably the same everywhere.
František Švejda on Google

Fantastické představení Jaroslava Duška - Čtyři dohody v příjemném divadle. Jen trochu svizelná až tryskní možnost zaparkovat v blízkosti - chce to být na místě tak hodinku před představením.
Fantastic performance by Jaroslav Dušek - Four Agreements in a pleasant theater. Just a bit of a whimsical to jet opportunity to park nearby - it wants to be there about an hour before the show.
Jarmila Tauerová on Google

Koncert v divadle O. Nedbala byl nádherný - hudba sbližuje a krásné prostředí zážitek umocňuje!
The concert at the O. Nedbal Theater was wonderful - the music brings together and the beautiful environment enhances the experience!
Jaroslav Lemberka on Google

Jakub Kolibík on Google

Great plays all the time.
Umberto di Nino on Google

A real surprise. Entering the Teatro de 1800 and finding a welcoming and hospitable jewel of a room. finding yourself on stage and finding yourself with a curtain call in another 1960s theatre. Two theatres are connected by a single stage. Beautiful

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