DNA Diagnostické Centrum s.r.o.

3.4/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact DNA Diagnostické Centrum s.r.o.

Address :

8, Čs. exilu 2062, Modřany, 143 00 Praha, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : http://www.dnacenter.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

8, Čs. exilu 2062, Modřany, 143 00 Praha, Czechia
Jose Quark on Google

Assusin Rogulus on Google

Nechápu jak to všechno stihne
I don't understand how it all works out
Jana Holfeuerova on Google

Originálně zpracované a věrné výsledky.
Originally processed and faithful results.
Jirka R. on Google

Údajně jsme v CZ pobočka této společnosti, ale nikde jinde ve světě jsem tuto společnost nenašel. Na jejich sídle v Praze se nachází více firem, základní kapitál 10.000 Kč a předmět podnikání v OR je také více než pozoruhodný a zajímavý!
We are said to be a branch of this company in CZ, but I have not found this company anywhere else in the world. There are several companies at their headquarters in Prague, the registered capital of CZK 10,000 and the subject of business in the Czech Republic is also more than remarkable and interesting!
Anastasia Petrikeeva on Google

Decided not to do the test as the guy on the phone didn't want to let us SEE the lab personally! "We're not a gallery for you to come see". So you're supposed to just send your samples and pay online in advance. Lol. Probably a fraud. Don't trust these guys!

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