Domov pro seniory Krnov

4/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Domov pro seniory Krnov

Address :

Rooseveltova 2141/51, 794 01 Krnov, Czechia

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Categories :
City : Krnov

Rooseveltova 2141/51, 794 01 Krnov, Czechia
Barča Koláčková on Google

František Frey on Google

Jaroslav Fnukal on Google

Pekne, dustojne..
Nice, dignified ..
Radovan Stary on Google

Lots of
Eva Jaksikova on Google

Tyto hvezdy patri kolektivu v kuchyni...moc bych chtela podekovat ^devcatum^za jejich chovani k lidem je tam ucta Respekt Humor, meho tatku 90let...denni chvilka radosti..kazdy den se tesi na Kontakt s vami....velke DIKY...?
These stars belong to the team in the kitchen ... I would like to thank ^ devcatum ^ behind the counter ... for their behavior towards people there is a respect Respekt Humor, ..... for my dad 90 years ... a daily moment of joy..every day is looking forward to Contacting you .... big THANKS ... ?
Michal Lesczynski on Google

Domovu pro seniory v Krnově jsme darovali dárek v rámci projektu Ježíškova vnoučata a musím tedy ohodnotit pouze to, když jsme zde přijeli předat voucher. Velmi milé jsme byli s kolegy překvapení, přivítala nás paní ředitelka, několik sestřiček a hlavně sál plný seniorů. Načerpali jsme spoustu energie.
We have given a gift to the senior home in Krnov as part of the project of the grandchildren of Santa Claus and I have to evaluate only when we came here to give the voucher. My colleagues and I were very surprised, we were welcomed by the director, several nurses and mainly the hall full of seniors. We've drawn a lot of energy.

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