Don Pealo

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Don Pealo

Address :

Netroufalky 14, 625 00 Bohunice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Website :
Categories :
City : Bohunice

Netroufalky 14, 625 00 Bohunice, Czechia
BLVCK on Google

Mají tu vše, jízdenky, cigarety, víno i stáčené, alkohol, cukrovinky, časopisy, noviny i doutníky ??
They have everything, tickets, cigarettes, wine and bottled, alcohol, sweets, magazines, newspapers and cigars ??
Vladimir Tomasovic on Google

Vzdy rady. Dve predavacky, jedna schovana v kancelarii a druhej to trva hodinu kym obsluzi a este sa medzi tym rozprava so smenou ktora skoncila.
Always advice. Two saleswomen, one hidden in the office and the other it takes an hour to serve and there is still a discussion with the shift that is over.
Honza Pospa on Google

Jako trafika patri k tem lepsim, uz jenom diky velkem vyberu doutniku a tabaku. Navic to je doplnene vodnima dymkama a bongama. Taky je zde mozno zakoupi kvalitenjsi destilaty, nektere i za dobre ceny. Bohuzel jsou ale ceny rozdilne oproti cenam na e-shopu a na objednavku musite cekat nekolik dni.
As a newsagent is one of those better, just because of the great choice of cigar and tobacco. In addition, it is accompanied by water dymkama and bongama. It is also possible to buy quality distillates, some even at good prices. Unfortunately, the prices are different from those on the e-shop and you have to wait a few days for your order.
Grohoxin on Google

Za mě super,ochotná obsluha,to se cení.to že je tam občas fronta,je jen důkazem,že je to prodejna s rozmanitým zbožím a široko žádná další trafika,což je dobrý.mají alespoň kšeft.
For me great, helpful service, it is the fact that there is occasionally a queue, is just proof that it is a shop with various goods and broadly no other newsagent, which is good.
Jiri Havel on Google

Velmi nepříjemné "prodavačky"
Very annoying "saleswomen"
Vlastik Cermak on Google

Personál vstřícný a příjemný, ochotny poradit. Chodím sem poměrně často také pro zboží s on- line shopu. Rychlé dodání.
Staff helpful and friendly, willing to advise. I also come here quite often for goods from the online shop. Fast delivery.
Martin Bláha on Google

Velmi příjemný sortiment doutníků, základní i dražší, takže zpravidla najdu co mi vyhovuje. A výhodou je, že mají otevřeno stejně jako obchoďák.
A very pleasant assortment of cigars, basic and more expensive, so I usually find what suits me. And the advantage is that they are open just like a mall.
Biz AR on Google

Quite often there is huge queue. Unacceptable.

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