Dreiländereck - Dreiländereck

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dreiländereck

Address :

352 01 Trojmezí, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +999
Postal code : 352
Categories :
City : Trojmezí

352 01 Trojmezí, Czechia
Jaroslav Makrlík on Google

Velmi zajímavé místo. Hezky udržované. Zvolil jsem opět přístup z Německa. Pro motorizované je to ideální. Cca 10' jízdy od přechodu v Hranicích. Od bývalé 1. roty PS je to pěšky daleko.
Very interesting place. Nicely maintained. I chose the approach from Germany again. It is ideal for motorists. About 10 'drive from the crossing in Hranice. It is a short walk from the former 1st PS company.
Matej Konicek on Google

Místo kde je cítit chladno, kvůli historii která ho provádí. Doporučuji místo navštívit s naučnou stezkou a hlavně buřty sebou:) Místo udržované a moc hezké.
A place where you feel cold, because of the history that takes it. I recommend visiting the place with a nature trail and especially the burritos with you :) A place maintained and very nice.
Nico Jerchel on Google

Ein schöner Ort, gepflegt mit vielen Hinweisschildern der Geschichte. Schade das sie auf tschechischer Seite nur einsprachig sind. Ansonsten lädt der Ort zum Verweilen ein.
A beautiful place, well maintained with many information signs of history. Too bad they are only monolingual on the Czech side. Otherwise, the place invites you to linger.
John Lee on Google

I was there many times in the 1980s, looks much different now!
Cameron Brock on Google

Interesting spot, very secluded. Nice to be able to jump across boarders. No information available in English, only German or Czech
Cool Cat on Google

Kind of a cute place for a visit. I would have liked for there to be more to mark the border, but overall it's still worthy site. There are a few cool bridges and all that.
delsolarpeder Solar on Google

After the adequate rains in Summer 2020, there is finally enough water in the creek. Some kind of forgotten corner between Germany and Czech Republic.
Shaikh Aatif on Google

The place holds a historical value, everything looks really nice but there is no proper way to reach this place! and it's not properly maintained as well..

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