
3.6/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Druna

Address :

10, Trojická 1907, Nové Město, 128 00 Praha, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +799
Website : http://www.druna.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

10, Trojická 1907, Nové Město, 128 00 Praha, Czechia
Vladislav Ličko on Google

Jan Masek on Google

honzahlavicka on Google

Mohu vřele doporučit. Příjemné prostředí, pohodová lektorka a velmi vstřícný přístup.
I can highly recommend. Pleasant environment, relaxed teacher and very helpful approach.
Noubadi Badiova on Google

Pri akutni nemoci ani s potvrzenim od lekare Druna neni ochotna vratit ani cast zalohy, pripadne prevest ji na stejnou akci v jinem terminu. Nehlede na to, ze kurzy jsou tu predrazene - den a dve hodiny za 2800. Urcite se vyhnu obloukem a najdu si kurz u vstricnejsi firmy, se kterou se da domluvit.
In acute illness, even with confirmation from doctor Druna is not willing to return even part of the backup, eventually transfer it to the same event on another date. Regardless of the fact that the courses are overpriced - a day and two hours for 2800. Certainly I will avoid the arc and I will find a course at a more forward-looking company with which we can arrange.
Karel Klimenský on Google

Musím se také podělit o svou zkušenost. Poprvé jsem se zúčastnil kontaktní improvizace a musím říci, že jsem byl velice mile překvapen. Lektorka Zita byla velmi příjemná a trpělivá. Za mě určitě doporučuji a těším se na další cvičení.
I also need to share my experience. I first attended contact improvisation and I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised. The lecturer Zita was very pleasant and patient. For me I definitely recommend and look forward to the next exercise.
Loto Vázquez on Google

I just had the most amazing Contact Jam Session Ever in over a decade dancing internationally: the space, the people, the live music... THANK YOU!!!
Finn Egan on Google

Lovely space, great for workshops. However, the Contact Improv event I attended was very sexualised. Not something I am used to at all, as where I come from we keep CI very neutral, a completely safe space. Too much groaning and grinding here for my comfort. May have been just those particular people that day, but it's something to be aware of that this could be their jam culture because I think they were regulars. So maybe enquire first.

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