Dům Kandertova - ubytovací zařízení

4/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Dům Kandertova - ubytovací zařízení

Address :

Kandertova 1131/1a, 180 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7779889
Website : http://www.kandertova1a.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Kandertova 1131/1a, 180 00 Praha 8, Czechia
Дмитрий Коротких on Google

Виктор Чорный on Google

RXV 6MAN on Google

Babal Sukhman on Google

žijeme tam 3 měsíce, ale je to pro nás velmi těžké, protože slyšet příjem a bezpečnost je velmi špatné, chovají se jako velmi špatně, nikdy jsem neviděl špatnou zkušenost we live there 3 months, but it's very hard for us, because hear reception and security is very bad, they behave like very bad, i never saw like it bad experience
we live there for 3 months, but it's very difficult for us because we hear the reception and security is very bad, they behave like very bad, I've never seen a bad experience we live there 3 months, but it's very hard for us, because hear reception and security is very bad, they behave like very bad, i never saw like it bad experience

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