Dům U Čtyř mamlasů - nám. Svobody 74

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dům U Čtyř mamlasů

Address :

nám. Svobody 74, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czechia

Postal code : 602
Website : https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%25C5%25AFm_U_%25C4%258Cty%25C5%2599_mamlas%25C5%25AF
Categories :

nám. Svobody 74, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czechia
Ales Krcal on Google

Nádherná novorenesanční stavba v centru Brna:-) Svůj název nese podle čtyř monumentálních mužských soch, postav z antické mytologie – Atlasů, kteří na svých ramenech drží a nesou tíhu zdobných pilířů (antický mořský obr Atlas byl titán, který musel za trest podepírat svými rameny nebeskou klenbu). Sochy jsou dílem sochaře Antonína Tomoly. Ve tvářích těchto spoře oděných mužů lze vidět různé emoce.(wiki)
Beautiful neo-renaissance building in the center of Brno :-) His name carries by four monumental statues of men, figures from classical mythology - Atlas who holds onto his shoulders and bear the brunt of decorative pillars (ancient marine giant Atlas was a Titan who had punished trussing their legs firmament). The sculptures are the work of sculptor Antonín Tomola. Various emotions can be seen in the faces of these scantily clad men.
Markéta Šmídková on Google

Vždycky jsem měla Dům U Čtyř mamlasū moc ráda. Pamatuji si , když tam ještě byla cukrárna, ale teď tam ráda chodím na polední menu. Jídlo je prezentováno moderně a vždy jsem spokojená s výběrem. Můžu jen doporučit.
I've always loved House of the Four Mamlas. I remember when there was still a pastry shop, but now I like to go there for a lunch menu. The food is presented in a modern way and I am always satisfied with the selection. I can only recommend.
Inga Leonavičiūtė on Google

Daugelis, matau, atsiliepimuose nėra labai patenkinti, nes atvyko čia pavalgyti. Tuo tarpu aš išsižiojusi, nors ir ne alkana, spoksojau į patį pastatą. Įspūdinga! Stulpus laikančiuose vyruose netgi galima pastebėti jų emocijas!
Many, I see, in the reviews are not very happy because they came here to eat. Meanwhile, I stared at the building itself, though not hungry. Impressive! Men who even hold poles can even notice their emotions!
L. Zoesch on Google

Сградата построена с малко скандал през 1899г по желание на Валентин Герстенбауер,завършена след смъртта му от племенника му. Сградата е построена в помпозен бароков вид,изобразени са 4 Атласа. поради фонетичната близост на думата атлас с думата mamlas-профан,урод сградата започва да бъде наричана така от местните. В пасажа с 12 магазина и множество жилища.
The building was built with a little scandal in 1899 at the request of Valentin Gerstenbauer, completed after his death by his nephew. The building is built in a pompous baroque form, depicting 4 Atlases. due to the phonetic proximity of the word atlas to the word mamlas-profane, the freak building began to be called so by the locals. In the passage with 12 shops and many homes.
Andreyyushka Jukic on Google

Horrible service. Had a very bad experience ????????
Ivy Tanachawengsakul on Google

Nice place to chill out with friends. Location is perfect, just next to the main square. Staffs were very friendly to us.
Andrej Merkadic on Google

Today we were attacked in this place by their aggressive chef cook, only because we politely asked the waitress if we can order french fries next to the main dish that I ordered, as my colleagues wanted only french fries and it was on the menu. The waitress then told us that the fries are on the menu, but for some reason my colleagues were not allowed to order it, because it is a side dish (it was nowhere written in the menu that the side dishes cannot be ordered separately). It was weird for us, but I ordered it as my side dish (as if it makes any difference) and we got it and wanted to split the fries on a separate plate, when the maniacal chef came and started screaming at us for no reason, even told us to "f*ck off" and "to go to McDonald's if we wanted fries". We didnt understand the reason were and were shocked by such aggressive behavior and insults, such as the other guests in the full restaurant,but we stayed polite and just left after such insults. We even payed for the drinks that we ordered and didn't even get to drink, as they arrived 5 minutes before the chef cook came. Apart from being rude and disorganized, they do not have internet and there are no mirrors in the toilets. Is this Czech Republic in 2020? If this happened in Germany, the chef cook would lose his job immediately!
macedonboy on Google

The Dum U Ctyr mamlasu is a building on Svobody Square. The name of the building translates as the House At The Four Men, I think for the four oversized sculptural supports, on the facade of the building. The facade of the building is a nice Neo-Renaissance style building that I think primarily houses shops and offices. Sadly none of the shops matched the beautiful facade. I did wander into the courtyard of the building, but it looked depressing with empty shop fronts and empty. The facade is pretty. Pity I can’t say the same for the shops which at the risk of sounding snobbish, detracts from the beautiful sight.

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