Dům v Kožichu - Starokdyňská 89

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Contact Dům v Kožichu

Address :

Starokdyňská 89, 345 06 Kdyně, Czechia

Postal code : 345
Categories :
City : Kdyně

Starokdyňská 89, 345 06 Kdyně, Czechia
Rosta Skopal on Google

Rostislav Skopal on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Mohutný celoroubený dům č.p. 89 ve Starokdyňské (pův. Husově) ulici, regionálně nazývaný "dům u Kožichu" patří se svými skoro 240 lety mezi nejstarší stavby ve Kdyni. Dům s mansardovou střechou s vysutými trámy a lomenicemi je zapsán v Ústředním seznamu kulturních památek. Jde o pozoruhodnou stavbu pocházející z roku 1780. Od osmdesátých let minulého století budově hrozil zánik, definitivní záchranu památce pak přinesl odprodej městu Kdyně, které neprodleně zahájilo její obnovu. Při rekonstrukci byly objeveny části roubených stěn na západní a východní straně, či zdobně řešené stropy s prkenným záklopem. S největší pravděpodobností v domě dříve žily 4 rodiny, a i vy se můžete přesvědčit, jak se dříve vařilo a jak se celkově žilo. Za zmínku stojí především výjimečná černá kuchyně z konce 18. století, která se zachovala téměř nedotčená v původním stavu - dokonce i saze v komíně zůstávají nedotčené! Vedle stavení býval mlýn na obilí, jehož mlýnské kameny poháněl slabý potůček, takže s poháněním musela nezřídka pomáhat i konská síla. Zajímavost: ono lokální pojmenování "v kožichu" se vztahuje ke hliněné mazanině, která byla pro své vynikající izolační vlastnosti nanášena na domy v tak silné vrstvě, že zcela zakryla dřevěnou konstrukci a zaoblí její hrany. Povrch hliněné mazaniny byl zpravidla ještě opatřován vápenným nátěrem. Roubené domy v kožichu jsou časté zejména v oblasti Polabí, kde je dostatek hlíny požadované kvality. Mighty all-timbered house no. 89 in Starokdyňská (originally Hus) street, regionally called "house in fur-coat ", belongs with it´s 240 years among the oldest buildings in Kdyně. The house with a mansard roof with exposed beams and logs is listed in the Central List of Cultural Monuments. This remarkable building is dated back to 1780. Since the eighties of the last century the building was threatened with extinction, the definitive rescue of the monument was then brought with a sale to the town Kdyně, which immediately commenced it´s renovation. During the reconstruction parts of grafted walls on the western and eastern side were discovered, as well as decoratively designed ceilings with wooden plank. Most likely, 4 families were living in the house and you can see how it was to cook and generally live in the past. It is worth mentioning the exceptional black kitchen from the end of the 18th century, which was preserved almost untouched in the original condition - even the soot in the chimney remain untouched! Next to the building was a grain mill whose mill stones were propelled by a weak stream - so weak, that the horse's power had to be add frequently. Interesting fact: This local term "in fur-coat" refers to the clay smearing, which, due to its excellent insulation properties, has been applied to houses in such a thick layer that it completely masked the wooden construction and rounded its edges. The outer surface of the clay smudge has generally been provided with lime paint. Timbered houses "in fur-coat" are common especially in the area of ​​Polabí, where there is enough clay of the required quality.
Massive all-timbered house no. 89 in Starokdyňská (orig. Husova) street, regionally called "house near Kožich", is with its almost 240 years among the oldest buildings in Kdyny. The house with a mansard roof with raised beams and log cabins is registered in the Central List of Cultural Monuments. It is a remarkable building dating from 1780. From the eighties of the last century, the building was in danger of extinction, and the sale of the town of Kdyně, which immediately began its restoration, brought the final salvation to the monument. During the reconstruction, parts of the timbered walls on the west and east sides, or ornately designed ceilings with a plank flap were discovered. Most likely, 4 families used to live in the house, and you too can see how it used to be cooked and how people lived in general. It is especially worth mentioning the exceptional black kitchen from the end of the 18th century, which has been preserved almost intact in its original state - even the soot in the chimney remains intact! In addition to the building, there used to be a grain mill, whose millstones were driven by a weak stream, so horsepower often had to help drive it. Interesting fact: the local name "in a fur coat" refers to a clay screed, which for its excellent insulating properties was applied to houses in such a thick layer that it completely covered the wooden structure and rounded its edges. The surface of the clay screed was usually still provided with a lime coating. Timbered houses in fur coats are common especially in the Elbe region, where there is enough clay of the required quality. Mighty all-timbered house no. 89 in Starokdyňská (originally Hus) street, regionally called "house in fur-coat", belongs with it´s 240 years among the oldest buildings in Kdyně. The house with a mansard roof with exposed beams and logs is listed in the Central List of Cultural Monuments. This remarkable building is dated back to 1780. Since the eighties of the last century the building was threatened with extinction, the definitive rescue of the monument was then brought with a sale to the town Kdyně, which immediately commenced it´s renovation. During the reconstruction parts of grafted walls on the western and eastern side were discovered, as well as decoratively designed ceilings with wooden plank. Most likely, 4 families were living in the house and you can see how it was to cook and generally live in the past. It is worth mentioning the exceptional black kitchen from the end of the 18th century, which was preserved almost untouched in the original condition - even the soot in the chimney remain untouched! Next to the building was a grain mill whose mill stones were propelled by a weak stream - so weak, that the horse's power had to be add frequently. Interesting fact: This local term "in fur-coat" refers to the clay smearing, which, due to its excellent insulation properties, has been applied to houses in such a thick layer that it completely masked the wooden construction and rounded its edges. The outer surface of the clay smudge has generally been provided with lime paint. Timbered houses "in fur-coat" are common especially in the area of ​​Polabí, where there is enough clay of the required quality.

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