4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact EASYDENT s.r.o.

Address :

Krásova 24, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website : http://www.easydent.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 3 Žižkov

Krásova 24, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia
Aneta Toborikova on Google

Musim vyjadrit svou absolutni nespokojenost s timto zarizenim. Pri druhe navsteve mi pani na recepci sebevedome oznamila, ze minule mi zapomneli nauctovat rentgen a ze jej tedy mam zaplatit tentokrat. Praktika, ktera mi prijde naprosto v neporadku, zvlast kdyz uz si nepamatujete, zda tento ukon opravdu udelali. Navic pani neprislo divne, ze me o tom neinformovali po dane navsteve. Pry to tak delaji normalne. Pokud je navstivit, dejte si na tohle pozor. Pri samotnem ukonu byla v ordinaci pritomna dalsi osoba, ktera mi nebyla predstavena, coz bylo velmi neprijemne. A jak si s ni pani hygienicka pri ukonu povidala, nedavala prilis pozor a nastroj ji bolestive nekolikrat sjel ze zubu a osavac slin mi dala tak hluboko do krku, ze jsem ji malem pozvracela. Rozhodne svou navstevu nebudu opakovat a pochopila jsem, proc je jejich ordinace stale prazdna a neni problem se preobjednat temer ze dne na den.
I have to express my absolute dissatisfaction with this device. On the second visit, the lady at the reception desk reportedly told me that I had forgotten to rent the X-ray last time and that I had to pay it this time. A practice that is totally incomprehensible to me, especially when you do not remember whether they really did. Moreover, the lady did not write a strange word that I did not inform about the visit after the tax. That's how it works normally. If you visit them, beware of this. At the end of the surgery there was another person who was not presented to me, which was very unpleasant. And as the hygienic mistress had told her when she had finished, she did not pay too much attention, and the device blew her teeth a few times, and the saliva of the saliva put me so deep in my throat that I had sent her to her. I will not repeat my visit, and I understand why their surgery is still empty and there is no problem to redeem it almost daily.
masoxs on Google

Nelekněte se ošklivého činžáku, ordinace je čistá a moderní. Pan zubař měl velmi profesionální přístup. V ordinaci jsem strávil cca 10 minut. Trhali mi jednu 8. stoličku. Zákrok byl proveden na jedničku. Díky za super péči a odbornost. Kéž by to takhle fungovalo všude!
Don't be afraid of an ugly tenement, the office is clean and modern. The dentist had a very professional approach. I spent about 10 minutes in the surgery. They tore me an 8th stool. The procedure was performed first. Thanks for the super care and expertise. I wish it would work like that everywhere!
Adam Kefurt on Google

Absolvoval jsem zde za poslední rok cca 12 návštěv. Zahrnovali trhání, hygienu, vyplně, kanálky a další drobné zákroky. Byl jsem asi u všech, kteří zde pracují a musím říct, že paní doktorky jsou velice schopné a když něco bolí, ochotně připíchnou. Pan doktor mi trhal tři zuby při jedné návštěvě. Za 15 minut jsem byl venku z ordinace, takže perfektní práce. První zubař, kam se nebojím chodit. Hygiena byla v pořádku i když mi pořád dávají nové kartáčky i když vlastní mám, ale to možná jen zapomínám připomínat. Jedna paní hygienistka byla mírně nepříjemná, ale chápu, že jsou to lidé. Jedinou pro mě nevýhodu vidím, že neberou karty a občas si vezmu méně peněz a musím ven do bankomatu. Ještě bych vyzdvihl, že většinou nemusím čekat a v akutních případech se o vás postarají vcelku rychle i brzo ráno. Líbí se mi, že používají lokální umrtvení, kdy pak nemám problém po odchodu ihned fungovat a nemám umrtvenou hodinu půlku pusy.
I have had about 12 visits here in the last year. They included tearing, hygiene, fillings, canals, and other minor procedures. I've been to everyone who works here, and I must say that the doctors are very capable and will be willing to pin if something hurts. The doctor gritted my teeth on one visit. I was out of the office in 15 minutes, so perfect job. The first dentist I'm not afraid to go. Hygiene was fine, even though they keep giving me new toothbrushes, even though I have my own, but maybe I'm just forgetting to remind me. One hygienist was a little uncomfortable, but I understand they were people. The only downside for me I see is that they don't take cards and sometimes I take less money and I have to go to the ATM. I would like to emphasize that I usually do not have to wait and in acute cases they will take care of you quite quickly and early in the morning. I like that they use local anesthesia, when then I have no problem working immediately after leaving and I don't have an annoyed hour and a half hour.
Milan Kovanda on Google

Před zákrokem vše vysvětleno, průběh zákroku bez problémů.
Everything is explained before the procedure, the course of the procedure without problems.
Terez on Google

Za mě veliká spokojenost se vším. Byla jsem zde na vytrhnutí osmiček, všechny v pořádku a rychle venku. Spodní se šily a hned nasazená týdenní antibiotika pro jistotu. Personál moc milý.
Great satisfaction with everything for me. I was here to pull the eights, all fine and out quickly. The bottom was sewn and weekly antibiotics were used for sure. Staff very nice.
Tomáš Novotný on Google

Byl jsem na vytržení (vysekávání) zatím 2 osmiček (obě v zánětu) a musím říct, že oba zákroky byly profesionální a žádné další problémy v léčebném procesu jsem neměl. Dr. Petr Musil příjemný, rázný a vše dobře vysvětlil.
I have been ecstatic so far with 2 eights (both in inflammation) and I must say that both procedures were professional and I had no other problems in the treatment process. Dr. Petr Musil was pleasant, strong and explained everything well.
Michaela Vacková on Google

Naprosto otřesný přístup, hned několik konfliktů. Byla jsem jednou na P3 a už nikdy více. Ceny příšerné a neodpovídají ani z daleka kvalitě servisu za který si sakra připlácíte! chování a arogance celého personálu byly hrozné. P
Absolutely appalling approach, several conflicts. I've been to P3 once and never again. The prices are terrible and do not correspond to the quality of the service for which you pay the hell! the behavior and arrogance of the entire staff were terrible. P
Sarah Watkins on Google

I have been visiting this clinic since 2013, and have had no complaints until this visit, which will also be my last. There is a dental hygienist, whom I had not seen before, who absolutely violated my teeth when 'cleaning' them. I mean, it's normal for teeth cleaning to be uncomfortable and even hurt, maybe even for a few hours... but I literally thought that she was going to rip a tooth out of my mouth during the procedure where she also managed to strip the flesh off of half my gums. It's been 4 days, and my teeth still hurt to the point that I can't properly brush them. I'm just saying, I haven't had this traumatic of a dentist experience since all 4 of my wisdom teeth were removed, and this was supposed to just be a cleaning. By the way, none of them speak English either, so don't come here if you need to communicate in another language besides Czech. The dentist which I've seen twice now is nice, but he speaks Czech really fast and is not able to slow down or pronounce his words clearly. If you speak Czech as a foreign language like I do it's difficult to communicate with them.

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