Elementary School - Čs. armády 213

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Contact Elementary School

Address :

Čs. armády 213, 271 01 Nové Strašecí, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 271
Website : http://zsnovestraseci.cz/
Categories :
City : Nové Strašecí

Čs. armády 213, 271 01 Nové Strašecí, Czechia
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Školní budova na náměstí pochází z devadesátých let 19. století a postavil ji zdejší zednický mistr Vojtěch Molek. Otevřena byla roku 1897 a od té doby představuje výraznou dominantu města, dnes je hezky opravená a udržovaná. Budova nahradila starší, již nevyhovující školu u kostela, postavenou o 70 let dříve - tam dnes najdete městské muzeum. The school building on the square dates from the 1990s and was built by the local master mason Vojtěch Molek. It was opened in 1897 and since then it has been a significant landmark of the city, today it is nicely repaired and maintained. The building replaced an older, no longer suitable school near the church, built 70 years earlier - today you will find the city museum there.
The school building on the square dates from the 1990s and was built by the local master mason Vojtěch Molek. It was opened in 1897 and since then it has been a significant landmark of the city, today it is nicely repaired and maintained. The building replaced an older, no longer suitable school near the church, built 70 years earlier - today you will find the city museum. The school building on the square dates from the 1990s and was built by the local master mason Vojtěch Molek. It was opened in 1897 and since then it has been a significant landmark of the city, today it is nicely repaired and maintained. The building replaced an older, no longer suitable school near the church, built 70 years earlier - today you will find the city museum there.

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