Elementary school Peruc

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Elementary school Peruc

Address :

Komenského 193, 439 07 Peruc, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +978
Website : http://zsperuc.cz/
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:25AM–3:30PM
Tuesday 7:25AM–3:30PM
Wednesday 7:25AM–3:30PM
Thursday 7:25AM–3:30PM
Friday 7:25AM–3:30PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Peruc

Komenského 193, 439 07 Peruc, Czechia
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Základní škola
Elementary School
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Nic moc
Nothing much
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Výborná škola, milí zaměstnanci.
Excellent school, nice staff.
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Krásná budova školy stojí v jižní (horní) části obce u silnice. Rozhodnutí začít stavět na pozemku získaném od knížete Thuna padlo na schůzi místní školní rady dne 18. ledna 1910. Slavnostní položení základního kamene se konalo v neděli dne 25. června 1911. Základní kámen je položen na pravém pilíři u vchodu. Do něho byl vložen pamětní spis a některé dobové časopisy. Dne 26. srpna 1912 úspěšně proběhla úřední kolaudace a tak mohlo 8. září 1912 proběhnout vysvěcení budovy. V roce 1976 a 1977 bylo z důvodu již nedostačující kapacity rozhodnuto o přístavbě ZDŠ. Ta však byla přesunuta až na rok 1981. Současná Základní škola Peruc má k dispozici dvě školní budovy, dvě tělocvičny, školní asfaltové hřiště a školní zahradu. The beautiful school building stands in the southern (upper) part of the village by the main road. The decision to start building on the land acquired from Prince Thun fell at a meeting of the local school council on January 18, 1910. The ceremony of the foundation stone was held on Sunday, June 25, 1911. The base stone is laid on the right pillar at the entrance. A memorial record and some period magazines from that era were inserted into it. On August 26, 1912 an official endorsement was successfully completed and the building was consecrated on September 8, 1912. In 1976 and 1977 it was decided to add more buildings to existing one because of the already insufficient capacity. However, the work was moved to 1981. The current Elementary School of Peruc has two school buildings, two gyms, a school asphalt playground and a school garden.
The beautiful school building stands in the southern (upper) part of the village by the road. The decision to begin construction on the land acquired from Prince Thun was made at a meeting of the local school board on January 18, 1910. The ceremonial laying of the foundation stone took place on Sunday, June 25, 1911. The foundation stone is laid on the right pillar at the entrance. A commemorative file and some period magazines were inserted into it. On August 26, 1912, the official approval was successfully completed, and on September 8, 1912, the consecration of the building could take place. In 1976 and 1977, due to the already insufficient capacity, it was decided to add a ZDŠ. However, it was postponed until 1981. The current Peruc Elementary School has two school buildings, two gyms, a school asphalt playground and a school garden. The beautiful school building stands in the southern (upper) part of the village by the main road. The decision to start building on the land acquired from Prince Thun fell at a meeting of the local school council on January 18, 1910. The ceremony of the foundation stone was held on Sunday, June 25, 1911. The base stone is laid on the right pillar at the entrance. A memorial record and some period magazines from that era were inserted into it. On August 26, 1912 an official endorsement was successfully completed and the building was consecrated on September 8, 1912. In 1976 and 1977 it was decided to add more buildings to existing one because of the already insufficient capacity. However, the work was moved to 1981. The current Elementary School of Peruc has two school buildings, two gyms, a school asphalt playground and a school garden.

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