Elementary School Solutions

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Contact Elementary School Solutions

Address :

Školní nám. 470, 252 63 Roztoky, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : http://www.zsroztoky.cz/
Categories :
City : Roztoky

Školní nám. 470, 252 63 Roztoky, Czechia
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Nejstarší zmínka o škole v Roztokách je v knize farního úřadu z roku 1764. Malý domek s jednou třídou stál v dnešní zámecké zahradě a vyučovalo se zde do roku 1822. Školu tehdy navštěvovalo 71 žáků, z toho polovina tak chudých, že nemohli platit školné. V prosinci 1855 byla na Kostelním náměstí dostavěna nová budova školy – dnešní Městský úřad. Během války obsadili školu Němci a tak se učitelé a žáci museli přestěhovat do staré školy, hostinců a soukromých bytů. Po válce musely proběhnout nutné opravy. Roku 1981 byla otevřena nová školní jídelna. The oldest mention of the school in Roztoky is in the book of the parish office of 1764. A small house with one class stood in today's castle garden and 71 pupils attended here until 1822. Half of them so poor that they could not pay tuition fees. In December 1855 a new school building was completed at Kostelní square - today's Town Hall. During the war the Germans took over the school so teachers and pupils had to move to old school, but also into inns and private apartments. After the war, the necessary repairs had to be made. A new school canteen was opened in 1981.
The oldest mention of the school in Roztoky is in the book of the parish office from 1764. A small house with one class stood in today's castle garden and was taught there until 1822. At that time, 71 pupils attended the school, half of them so poor that they could not pay tuition. In December 1855, a new school building was completed on Kostelní náměstí - today's Town Hall. During the war, the school was occupied by the Germans, so teachers and students had to move to old schools, inns and private apartments. After the war, the necessary repairs had to take place. In 1981, a new school canteen was opened. The oldest mention of the school in Roztoky is in the book of the parish office of 1764. A small house with one class stood in today's castle garden and 71 pupils attended here until 1822. Half of them so poor that they could not pay tuition fees . In December 1855 a new school building was completed at Kostelní square - today's Town Hall. During the war the Germans took over the school so teachers and pupils had to move to old school, but also into inns and private apartments. After the war, the necessary repairs had to be made. A new school canteen was opened in 1981.

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