Elusia Showroom Praha - Vinohrady

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Elusia Showroom Praha

Address :

30, Sázavská 2032, Vinohrady, 120 00, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 120
Website : https://www.elusia.cz/
Categories :

30, Sázavská 2032, Vinohrady, 120 00, Czechia
Marcela Havlásková on Google

linda beresova on Google

Radoslav Matejovic on Google

Veľmi profesionálny prístup!!! Veľký vyber!!!
Very professional approach !!! Veľký vyber !!!
Peter Bator on Google

Skvělý výběr a velice příjemný personál. Doporučuji navštívit :)
Great choice and very friendly staff. I recommend to visit :)
vv valentovi on Google

Naprostá spokojenost, profesionální přístup. Světlo vypadá krásně. Doporučuji
Absolute satisfaction, professional approach. The light looks beautiful. I recommend
roman janovsky on Google

Skvělý výběr, velmi přátelský personál, pro děti připravené skládačky, takže se můžete v klidu věnovat výběru a bezkonkurenční punč :)
Great selection, very friendly staff, jigsaw puzzles ready for children, so you can spend a quiet choice and an unbeatable punch :)
Martina Urbanová on Google

Moja skusenost je absolutne prisena a neodporucam tuto spolocnost a svietidla nikomu! Objednala som si lampu ako vianocny darcek, ktory mal prist najneskor do troch tyzdnov (t.zn. koncom novembra). Lampa mala prist k manzelovi do prace. Ked prvy decembrovy tyzden nic nechodilo, manzel napisal mail, ze kde to viazne. Za dva dni mali aspon tolko slusnosti, ze nam zavolali zo showroomu, ze lampa prisla tam, ale ze nema krabicu a nezmyselne splietali nieco o tom, ze lampa je poskodena a ze sa na nu mame prist pozriet. Tak sme tam isli zistit, kde nastal problem. A oni nam bez akehokolvek ospravedlnenia s kludnym hlasom povedali, ze lampu priniesli k nim a ze krabica bola v takom dezolatnom stave, ze ju museli zahodit. Samozrejme vsetko hodili na prepravnu spolocnost a na otazku, preco nam teda nezavolali, ze lampa je tam, som nedostala ziadnu odpoved. Iba tolko, ze oni nevedia preco nam nezavolali. Tak toto bol pristup hodny spolocnosti na urovni!. Lampa nebola poskodena ale bola hrozna, za plno penazi a totalne nekvalitna. A to mi pan na showroome este s kludom v hlase povedal, ze cena zodpoveda kvalite. Dala som za tu lampu 4000 Kc, co nie je vobec malo penazi, tak co to bolo za hlasku? Nikto sa mi neospravedlnil ani nic podobne. Lampu som im vratila a nastastie mi aspon vratili peniaze. Nebyt velkej svedskej nabytkarskej spolocnosti, kde som mimochodom kupila lampu o 100000% kvalitnejsiu a o polovicu lacnejsiu na poslednu chvilu, bola by som vdaka tejto skvelej spolocnosti bez vianocneho darceka. Asi by mi ani nedali vediet a lampa by tam veselo cakala na mna doteraz. Samozrejme mi ponukli, ze si ju mozem zobrat bez krabice...ako vianocny darcek...bez akejkolvek zlavy ... Na smiech alebo skor na plac? Po mojej skusenosti urcite neodporucam!
My experience is absolutely refused and I do not recommend this company and lights to anyone! I ordered a lamp as a Christmas present, which was to arrive within three weeks at the latest (ie at the end of November). The lamp should have approached her husband at work. When nothing went on in the first week of December, the husband wrote an e-mail stating where it was bound. In two days they had at least enough decency to call us from the showroom, that the lamp had come there, but that it didn't have a box, and they were pointlessly confusing something about the lamp being damaged and that we should look at it. So we went there to find out where the problem occurred. And without any excuse, they told us in a calm voice that they had brought the lamp to them and that the box was in such a desolate condition that they had to throw it away. Of course, they threw everything at the transport company and the question, why did they not call us that the lamp was there, I did not get any answer. Just so they don't know why they didn't call us. So this was an approach worthy of society at the level !. The lamp was not damaged but it was terrible, full of money and totally poor quality. And the man on the showroom still told me with calmness in his voice that the price corresponds to the quality. I gave 4000 CZK for that lamp, which is not a small amount of money, so what was that voice? Nobody apologized to me or anything like that. I returned the lamp to them and fortunately at least they returned the money. If it weren't for a large Swedish furniture company, where by the way I bought a lamp 100,000% better and half as cheap at the last minute, I would be grateful to this great company without a Christmas present. They probably wouldn't even let me know and the lamp would be cheerfully waiting for me there so far. Of course, they offered me to take it without a box ... as a Christmas present ... without any discount ... Laughter or soon to go? After my experience, I definitely do not recommend!
Petr Svoboda on Google

Od f.Elusia mame svetla do celeho bytu. Predprodejni podpora skvela. Bohuzel nasledne se vyskytly jiste technicke problemy s dodanym svetlem, avsak reklamace byla vyresena k nasi spokojenosti. A prave protoze teprve v case problemu a reklamaci (nikoliv kdyz se podepisuje objednavka) se pozna kvalita firmy, davam Elusii 5*.
From f.Elusia we have lights for the whole apartment. Pre-sales support is great. Unfortunately, there were some technical problems with the supplied light, but the complaint was resolved to our satisfaction. And precisely because it is only at the time of the problem and complaint (not when the order is signed) that the quality of the company is known, I give Elusia 5 *.

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