Empírová kašna - Příhrádek 5

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Empírová kašna

Address :

Příhrádek 5, 530 02 Pardubice I-Zámek, Czechia

Postal code : 530
Categories :
City : Pardubice I Zámek

Příhrádek 5, 530 02 Pardubice I-Zámek, Czechia
Viktoria on Google

Petra Čížková on Google

Gusta Janoušek on Google

celkem pěkný
pretty nice
Jiří Chmelík on Google

Je třeba oprava památky
It is necessary to repair monuments
Mi Kieretin on Google

Petra Tatickova on Google

V zimě bez vodičky
In the winter without a vodka
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Celý prostor kolem kašny je velmi působivý. Středověké opevněné předpolí zámku se zbytky nejstarší městské fortifikace - zv. Příhrádek se rozkládá na trojúhelníkovém půdorysu a je přístupný branou směrem z Pernštýnského náměstí a městskou branou směrem od zámku. V raném novověku se jeho opevňovací funkce postupně proměňovala na roli hospodářského zázemí zámku s dílnami, sýpkou, později konírnou. Empírová (klasicistní) kašna je zhruba 200 let stará a je dokladem hospodářského zázemí blízkého zámku. Dříve byla připojena na městský vodovod. V roce 2003 prošla rekonstrukcí. The whole area around the fountain is very impressive. Medieval fortified pre-castle of the castle with remnants of the oldest fortifications is situated on a triangular ground plan and is accessible by the gateway from Pernštýnské náměstí and the city gate from the castle. In the early modern period, its fortification function gradually turned into the role of the economic background of the Château with workshops, a granary, later with a stables. Empire (Classicist) fountain is about 200 years old and is a proof of the economic background of a nearby castle. Previously, it was connected to the city waterworks. It underwent a reconstruction in 2003.
The whole area around the fountain is very impressive. Medieval fortified foreground of the castle with the remains of the oldest urban fortification - Vol. The compartment is situated on a triangular ground plan and is accessible through the gate from Pernstein Square and the town gate from the castle. In the early modern period, its fortification function gradually changed into the role of the economic background of the chateau with workshops, a granary, and later a stables. The Empire (Classicist) fountain is about 200 years old and is evidence of the economic background of the nearby chateau. Previously it was connected to the municipal water supply. In 2003 it underwent reconstruction. The whole area around the fountain is very impressive. Medieval fortified pre-castle of the castle with remnants of the oldest fortifications is situated on a triangular ground plan and is accessible by the gateway from Pernstyn Square and the city gate from the castle. In the early modern period, its fortification function gradually turned into the role of the economic background of the Château with workshops, and granary, later with a stables. Empire (Classicist) fountain is about 200 years old and is proof of economic background of nearby castle. Previously, it was connected to the city waterworks. It underwent a reconstruction in 2003.
Milan on Google


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