ERECEIVABLES MANAGEMENT Ltd. - Starochodovská 1360

2/5 based on 6 reviews


Address :

Starochodovská 1360, 149 00 Praha 11-Chodov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 149
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha Chodov

Starochodovská 1360, 149 00 Praha 11-Chodov, Czechia
petrd607 on Google

Ken Kaniff on Google

Rozepište zakázku a navždy dostávejte spam emaily do schránky.
Write down the job and get spam emails to the mailbox forever.
Jiří on Google

Firma si pravděpodobně vybírá jen ty pohledávky, které jsou pro ně jednoduché. Na složitější vymáhání si netroufnou.
The company probably collects only those receivables that are simple for them. They do not dare for more complex enforcement.
Jaroslav Kramer on Google

Souhlas, na komplikovanější a ne tak bonitní pohledávku neslyší. Jiné specializované firmy mne byly ochotny pomoci,viz třeba Jaro
Consent, more complicated and not so creditworthy receivable. Other specialized companies were willing to help me, see for example Spring
Kabelnet Kabelnet on Google

Nabídnuta pohledávka za klientem v výši 15000 Kč jednalo se o starší část pohledávky. Byli jsme odmítnuti. Z emailu jsem pochopila, že je zájem pouze o lidi s prvním dluhem. Problémové dluhy je nezajímají. Epohledávky mohli dostat soubor dluhů za klienty které jsou z většiny vymahatelné. Navíc mohli dostávat pravidelný přísun pohledávek. Zvláštní nechtějí.
The receivable offered to the client in the amount of CZK 15,000 was an older part of the receivable. We were rejected. I understood from the email that there is only interest in people with the first debt. They are not interested in problem debts. E-claims could get a set of debts for clients that are mostly enforceable. In addition, they could receive a regular supply of receivables. They don't want anything special.
Vit Tuhy on Google

Rozhodl jsem se vyzkouset - pohledavka za nauhrazenou fakturu na zbozi kolem 5tis Kc. Po delsim czse urgovani jsem dostal email, kde bylo volnou formou naznaceno, ze firma byla umyslne odrodava do Rumunska a ze je to vicemene neresitelne. Pripad jsem dal neresil. Asi za 4 mesice mi od ePohledavek prisly dve vyzvy na uhrazeni celkem 4 tis Kc za to, ze jsem neposkytl soucinnost a nesdelil jak dal s pripadem nalozit. Rad bych podotknul, ze me epohledavky nijak nekontaktovali telefonem, coz bych cekal ze bude u firmy, ktera se tim zivy, normalni. Ale stejne tak, jak se neda dovolat k nim, nevolaji asi ani oni. Takze misto 5500 Kc co jsem mel dostat jsem jeste 4.000 Kc zaplatil jim za nic. Diky, nikdy vic
I decided to test it - a claim for a paid invoice on goods around 5,000 CZK. After a longer czse urgovani I received an email, which was in free form indicated that the company was deliberately varied to Romania and that it is more or less impossible. Case I gave not addressed. About four months from ePohledavek I received two calls for payment of a total of 4 thousand CZK for not providing the cooperation and did not tell how to put the case. I would like to point out that I did not contact me with the phone, which I would expect to be at the company, which is alive, normal. But in the same way as I can't reach them, I probably won't call them either. So instead of 5500 Kc I had to get I still paid 4,000 Kc for nothing. Thanks, never more

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