Erhartova cukrárna - Vodičkova

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Erhartova cukrárna - Vodičkova

Address :

Vodičkova 28, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77778
Website :
Categories :
City : Nové Město

Vodičkova 28, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Ruzena Karaskova on Google

Zabloudila jsem v pasáži Lucerna a objevila výbornou cukrárnu s milou a sdílnou prodavačkou. Výběr dortíků i nápojů pestrý, ja měla karamelový. Příjemné a neformální prostředí s možností pozorovat procházející návštěvníky. Nechyběly drobnosti, jako voda ke kávě a nabídka ubrousků, cukru aj. Určitě nebudete zklamáni.
I got lost in the Lucerna arcade and discovered an excellent pastry shop with a nice and shared shop assistant. Selection of cakes and drinks varied, I had caramel. Pleasant and informal environment with the possibility to observe passing visitors. There were also little things like water for coffee and offer napkins, sugar, etc. You will not be disappointed.
Roman Hradil on Google

Měli jsme 6 zakusku a rozdelili jsme si je na kousky, aby jsme jich ochutnali víc. Všechny chutnali výborně, mne zaujal maracujovy a mrkvovy. Nebyli tolik sladké a chutě ladili.
We had 6 desserts and divided them into pieces to taste more. They all tasted great, I was fascinated by passion fruit and carrots. They weren't that sweet and they tasted good.
Joya Di Caela on Google

Milé prostředí i paní za pultem, ovšem káva na dnešní standardy nevyhovující (kdyby byla za půlku tak budiž), velikost dortíků se zmenšila o 1/3 (ano, inflace ), ale to hlavní - korpusy suché, krémy skoro bez chuti, laskonky na vylámání zubů, tohle fakt ne…. - Nice environment and kind service, but the coffee was like from the 70s, the portion of the cakes were cut to 2/3 of the regular portion and most importantly - cakes were stale, creams blend and cookies hard, would never go there again. Better visit Cukrárna Myšák - for a bit higher price you get traditional sweets and heaven in your mouth.
Nice environment and the lady behind the counter, but the coffee is unsatisfactory to today's standards (if only for half), the size of the cakes has decreased by 1/3 (yes, inflation), but the main thing - dry corpora, creams almost tasteless, sweets on teeth breakage, not really this…. - Nice environment and kind service, but the coffee was like from the 70s, the portion of the cakes were cut to 2/3 of the regular portion and most importantly - cakes were stale, creams blend and cookies hard, would never go there again. Better visit Cukrárna Myšák - for a bit higher price you get traditional sweets and heaven in your mouth.
Filippo Stocchi on Google

Top. Cakes are super
Jana Phillips on Google

Good but rather expensive for its location.
Radosław Kuniewicz on Google

Love at first sight and taste! <3
Seewan Kim on Google

I went to the shop ten minutes before the closing time and was warmly greeted. Cakes were really good and prices were more than reasonable! It’s sad that I discovered this place only on my last day of the trip.
Lucinda Viljoen on Google

Must visit when in Prague. Delicious sweet treats

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