Eye Clinic Gemini Zlin - U Gemini 360

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Eye Clinic Gemini Zlin

Address :

U Gemini 360, 760 01 Zlín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 760
Website : http://www.gemini.cz/
Categories :
City : Zlín

U Gemini 360, 760 01 Zlín, Czechia
Bronislav Kmenta on Google

Malířství Hodonín může jen Všem lidem s brýlemi ve věku 35l doporučit. Díky laserové operaci jsem do konce života bez brýlí. Pevně v tom doufám. Zaplatil jsem si doživotní záruka plus vytvrdnutì obou očí. 9.6.2020 mám po zákroku a do posud vše ok.Vidìm jak kdybych měl brýle. Brýle jsem nosil od 6l do 34 L. Malířství Hodonín Kmenta Bronislav doporučuje
Painting Hodonín can only recommend to all people with glasses aged 35l. Thanks to laser surgery, I'm without glasses for the rest of my life. I firmly hope so. I paid for a lifetime warranty plus hardening of both eyes. 6/9/2020 I have everything ok after the procedure and so far. I see as if I had glasses. I wore glasses from 6l to 34 L. Painting Hodonín Kmenta Bronislav recommends
Barbora on Google

Přítel byl na operaci před měsícem. Od té doby nevidí ani, co viděl, oči ho bolí, pálí a jedno má poškrábané,....nedoporučuji! Každý týden chodí na kontrolu v Praze. Operace Zlín. Jsem z toho velmi smutná.
A friend was in surgery a month ago. Since then, he doesn't even see what he saw, his eyes hurt, he burns and he has one scratched, ... I don't recommend it! He goes to check in Prague every week. Operation Zlín. I'm very sad about that.
Pavel Kollert on Google

Super klinika.Mám po operaci rohovky. Jsem nadšený. Vše se povedlo a vidím. Dík patří panu primáři Stodůlkovy a jeho primariatu za perfektní a profesionální práci. Navíc je tam příjemné prostředí a všichni pracovníci jsou k pacientům ochotni pomoci. Ještě mě čeká operace druhého oka. Děkují
Super clinic. I have corneal surgery. I'm excited. Everything worked out and I see. Thanks to Mr. Stodůlková and his primariat for their perfect and professional work. In addition, there is a pleasant environment and all staff are willing to help patients. I still have second eye surgery. Thank you
Pavla Bada on Google

Jako doprovod pacienta, který jde na operaci OBOU očí současně!!, jsem byla arogantně vyhozena z prostor kliniky!! Za ty desítky tisíc, které tady máme nechat, bych čekala úplně jiný přístup... předpokládám, že jakmile budou chtít za operaci zaplatit, budu moci jít už dovnitř✌
As an escort of a patient who is undergoing BOTH eye surgery at the same time !!, I was arrogantly expelled from the clinic !! For the tens of thousands we have to leave here, I would expect a completely different approach ... I assume that as soon as they want to pay for the operation, I will be able to go inside✌
Marek Ondřej on Google

Vždy když jedu kolem tak si vzpomenu, že díky jejich operaci vidím pomalu i to co bych vidět nechtěl. ? Jsou to 3-4 roky od operace očí. Měl jsem 1,5-2 dioptrie a neviděl jsem dobře do dálky. Celý proces operace bych přirovnal návštěvě zubaře, takže se není čeho bát. Není to tak hrozné jak se zdá ?. Na přístup personálu si nemůžu stěžovat, všichni byli příjemní a vše probíhalo tak jak má. Všem co zvažují operaci, můžu kliniku jen doporučit. Tímhle bych chtěl ještě jednou poděkovat klinice Gemini ve Zlíně.
Every time I drive around, I remember that thanks to their operation, I can slowly see what I would not want to see. ? It is 3-4 years since eye surgery. I had 1.5-2 diopters and I didn't see well in the distance. I would compare the whole process of the operation to a visit to the dentist, so there is nothing to be afraid of. It's not as bad as it seems ?. I can't complain about the approach of the staff, everyone was nice and everything went as it should. I can only recommend the clinic to anyone considering surgery. I would like to thank the Gemini Clinic in Zlín once again.
Terry on Google

I decided to go to the Gemini clinic in zlin for a Relex smile laser correction surgery, which was performed by Dr. Pavel Stodulka, one of the leading experts in this field worldwide. The prices are reasonable, the staff super friendly, dr. Stodulka is a true professional, extremely friendly and speaks perfect English. I can only recommend this clinic to anyone wanting to undergo a laser correction surgery, it's probably one of the leading and best eye clinics out there. Very satisfied!
Crafty on Google

Went to this clinic for a laser eye surgery for myopia. The surgery was performed by their very famous chief surgeon. The result has been disasterous! My vision is ruined and this has strongly impacted my life and that of my family. Before the surgery I used glasses and my vision quality was very good with about 110% acuity. Now I see between 70 to 90%. There is no possibility of wearing glasses to fix the problem due to the irregular astigmatism and lenses help only partly. Other symptoms include, constant tension and pain around the eyes, ligth flashes, large black spots floating in the vision field, color insensitivity, halos, starbursts, foggy vision, dry eyes. Other doctors have seen my eyes and told me that the treatment was decentered! The cornea is irregular and the area of treatment is too small. This, Gemini only admited to be true after I confronted them with evidence from other clinics because until then, during a whole year, they told me that all was fine and the eyes were still healing. I recommend that anyone considering this clinic for surgery that they get as far as they can from it. GLASSES HAVE NO LIFE RUINING COMPLICATIONS.
Tomasz Haduch on Google

Went to this clinic for Phakic Lenses implementation in 2019. 1.5 year after procedure I developed Catharact in both eyes. Now I will have to undergo another surgery, for catharact. Lost money. I do no recomend at all.

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