Fitness park - Fitness park

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fitness park

Address :

109 00 Praha-Petrovice, Czechia

Postal code : 109
Categories :
City : Praha Petrovice

109 00 Praha-Petrovice, Czechia
Ondřej Hladík on Google

Lukáš K on Google

Rainbow Thresh on Google

Jan Chroust on Google

Volně přístupné cvičení
Freely accessible exercise
Jaroslav Sukup on Google

Jedno z nejlepších workout hřišť v Praze.
One of the best workout playgrounds in Prague.
Patrik Švarc on Google

Nové hřiště pro mladez. Prvky k posilovani vlastni vahou, prekazky pro trenink parkuru. Vse je bytelne, nove a laka k vyzkouseni. Inspiraci pro vase cviky muze byt prehledny obrazkovy navod. Protoze uz ho nekdo stacil vylepsit sexualnimi obrazky, Google mi ho ve fotkach nedovolil zverejnit. Misto je dostupne z nedaleke zastyvky MHD. Chybi tu kose na odpadky...coz muze byt problem. Hezke a povedene hriste.
New playground for youngsters. Elements to strengthen your own weight, badges for training of show jumping. Everything is solid, new and varnish to try. Inspiration for your exercises can be guided by visuals. Because someone was able to improve it with sexual images, Google did not allow me to publish it in photos. The place is accessible from nearby public transport. There's no rubbish bin ... that's a problem. Nice and great game.
Gabriela Nemec on Google

Bohužel v tomtu parku je pravidelný hluk od hlasité muziky, kterou si návštěvníci pouští. Policie s tím, nic neudělá protože není po 22.hod. Je zde pravidelný bordel, obzvláště o víkendu. Paní starostka( Olga Hromasová), která stojí za tímto dílem, s tím nic nedělá.
Unfortunately, in this park there is a regular noise from loud music, which visitors play. The police won't do anything because it's not after 10pm. There is a regular mess, especially at the weekend. The mayor (Olga Hromasová), who is behind this work, does nothing about it.
CZ_F0Xman on Google

Spousta možností na posilování není moc zaplněné. Bezpečnostní prvky jsou zavedeny. Doporučuji navštívit již tuto oblast navštívil mnohokrát a jsem s ní spokojen
Lots of exercise options aren't very crowded. Security features are in place. I recommend visiting this area has visited many times and I am satisfied with it

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