Flymeto - Ďáblická 902

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Flymeto

Address :

Ďáblická 902, 182 00 Ďáblice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 182
Website :
Categories :
City : Ďáblice

Ďáblická 902, 182 00 Ďáblice, Czechia
Manager ESSENS Slovenia on Google

Hitro in enostavno iskanje letov, navdušile so me nizke cene ter posebne ponudbe! Odlična podpora, če imate kakršno koli vprašanje. Zelo priporočam!
Quick and easy flight search, I was impressed by the low prices and special offers! Great support if you have any questions. Highly recommend!
Marianna Onuferova on Google

Využila som služby tohto portálu, aj keď som o ňom síce našla len malo recenzií ale bola som nadmieru spokojná. Moje plus pre asistenciu v slovenskom jazyku, keďže som letela s tureckou spoločnosťou a potrebovala som upraviť rezerváciu.
I used the services of this portal, although I found only a few reviews about it but I was extremely satisfied. My plus for assistance in the Slovak language, as I flew with a Turkish company and needed to adjust the reservation.
Ivan Brejcak on Google

Vsetko prebehlo bez problemov. Dakujeme a pozdravujeme z Eilatu :)
Everything went without problems. Thank you and greetings from Eilat :)
Milan Surový on Google

Chcem sa osobne poďakovať pánovi Miroslavovi Švihranovi za profisionálny a individuálny prístup ku klientovi. Mal som dlhodobo problém (1 rok) s vrátením peňazí za stornovanú letenku spoločnosťou LAUDA MOTION. Iniciatívou tohto pána sa nám to spoločne podarilo vyriešiť. Ďakujem!
I would like to personally thank Mr. Miroslav Švihran for his professional and individual approach to the client. I had a long-term problem (1 year) with a refund for a canceled ticket by LAUDA MOTION. At this gentleman's initiative, we have succeeded in resolving this together. Well thank you!
Natálie Reichlová on Google

Hrůza. Na chat na webových stránkách nikdo neodpovídá a dovolat se na uvedené telefonní číslo také nedá. Fakt že si zakoupíte letenky a k nim pojištění kvůli zrušení letu, storna ať už z vaší strany či ze strany letecké společnosti a společnost Flymeto vám ani nezašle číslo pojistné smlouvy, přitom s vámi odmítají storno řešit a jen vás odkážou na pojišťovnu kde vám ani po zaplacení pojistného smlouvu nevyhotovili. Jednání ze strany Flymeto je ostudou!
Terror. No one responds to the chat on the website and it is also not possible to call the given telephone number. The fact that you buy tickets and insurance for flight cancellation, cancellation either by you or the airline and Flymeto does not even send you the number of the insurance contract, while they refuse to cancel the cancellation with you and just refer you to the insurance company where insurance contract have not been drawn up. Acting by Flymeto is a disgrace!
Lenka Vondrová on Google

Jejich zákaznický servis mě mile překvapil. Na chatu se mnou komunikovali fakt parádně (nesnáším infolinky). Našli mi letenku, poslali odkaz. Já jen vyplnila cestující, zaplatila kartou. Fakt vše proběhlo pohodlně a rychle. Můžu doporučit. Azory jsme si fakt užili. Před tím jsem ani o nich extra nevěděla. Takže díky moc za tip. Ať se daří...
Their customer service pleasantly surprised me. The chat with me really great (I hate infoline). They found me a ticket, they sent a message. I just filled in the passengers, paid with the card. In fact, everything went comfortably and quickly. I can recommend. We really enjoyed the Azores. Before, I didn't even know about them. So thanks a lot for the tip. All the best...
Manager ESSENS Italy on Google

Very good! Easy to reserv the fly
Anja Ačko on Google

Quick and easy flight search, I was impressed by the low prices and special offers! Great support if you have any questions. Highly recommend!

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