Foxconn Technology CZ

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Foxconn Technology CZ

Address :

Karlov 245, 284 01 Kutná Hora, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Categories :
City : Kutná Hora

Karlov 245, 284 01 Kutná Hora, Czechia
Дима Атата on Google

Не советую. Больше не вернусь. Забирают личные вещи в рабочее время. Наглая управленческая верхушка. Большая текучка.
I do not advise. I won't be back again. Collect personal belongings during business hours. Rude management top. Big turnover.
Анна Тимченко on Google

Rozhodně se nevyplatí zde pracovat. Zákoník práce je sprosté slovo
It is definitely not worth working here. The Labor Code is a foul word
R. Raptor on Google

Dodržují časové okna jinak rychlé vyložení ale paní v kanceláři nepříjemná arogantní na přes držku
They adhere to the time windows otherwise fast unloading but the lady in the office annoying arrogant over the handle
Артем Левицький on Google

Враження не дуже, багато не зрозумілості в зп і в роботі залежно від процесу, завжди без телефонів тільки механічні годиник можеш мати і то через метало детектор треба завжди їх знімати
Impressions are not very, a lot of incomprehensibility in the SP and in the work depending on the process, always without phones only mechanical watches you can have and then through the metal detector should always be removed
Maksym Petrenko on Google

Firma,která nikdy nebude mit stálý zaměstnance kvůli chováni se vedeni.Měli by inzerovat a poptávat zaměstnance v Rumunsku a Bulharsku.Škoda této firmy.
A company that will never have permanent employees because of the conduct of leadership. They should advertise and demand employees in Romania and Bulgaria.
Danik 188 on Google

Stuart McShane on Google

Great place to work
Renaldas Straksys on Google

In warehouse people friendly and helpful but not office staff. Security girl are terrible. No respect at all for foreign drivers. One of worst place I been visited

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