Fyzioterapie Plzeň - QMI Centrum prevence - Poděbradova 2842/1

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fyzioterapie Plzeň - QMI Centrum prevence

Address :

Poděbradova 2842/1, 301 00 Plzeň 3, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 301
Website : http://www.qmi-fyzio.cz/
Categories :
City : Plzeň

Poděbradova 2842/1, 301 00 Plzeň 3, Czechia
Adam Mikulašek on Google

Gabriela Narovcová on Google

Určitě moc doporučuji, velká spokojenost :-)
I definitely highly recommend, great satisfaction :-)
Eliska Went on Google

I have long-term problems with scoliosis, and last winter I’ve got problems with my balance, which was probably caused by a blockage of my neck. After trying different types of physiotherapy, my niece gave me a physiotherapy package at QMI as a birthday present. After a very professional and thorough initial examination, physiotherapist Peter Hemzacek explained to me in detail that it is necessary to relax the entire back and not just the neck part. We started with a pleasant and relaxing radiotherapy, which was followed by an intensive massage, and during further visits I continued with special exercises and advice on how to keep my back in a good condition. If you are looking for a truly professional approach to solving your rehabilitation problems, QMI will provide you with a high-level care, a very professional team, and a pleasant treatments. I live abroad and I have not found anything like the QMI offer anywhere else. Bravo team QMI. === cesky bez diakritiky :-) Mam dlouhodobe problemy se skoliosou a v zime se k tomu pridaly problemy s rovnovahou pravdepodobne zpusobenou blokaci me krcni patere. Pote co jsem vyzkousela ruzne druhy fyziotherapie mi moje neter darovala k narozeninam rehabilitacni balicek u QMI. Po velmi profesionalni a dukladne vstupni prohlidce mi fyzioterapeut pan Peter Hemzacek podrobne vysvetlil, ze potrebuji uvolnit celou pater a ne jenom krcni pater. Zacali jsme prijemnou a uvolnujici radioterapii, kterou nasledovala intenzivni masaz a pri dalsich navstevach jsem pokracovala specialnimi cviky a radami jak si udrzet pater v dobre kondici. Pokud hledate opravdu profesionalni pristup k reseni vasich rehabilitacnich problemu, QMI vam poskytne peci na vysoke urovni, velmi profesionalni tym a prijemne zachazeni. Bydlim v zahranici a umim porovnat nabizenou peci, nic takoveho jako nabizi QMI jsem jeste nikde jinde nenasla. Bravo team QMI.
I have long-term problems with scoliosis, and last winter I’ve got problems with my balance, which was probably caused by a blockage of my neck. After trying different types of physiotherapy, my niece gave me a physiotherapy package at QMI as a birthday present. After a very professional and thorough initial examination, physiotherapist Peter Hemzacek explained to me in detail that it is necessary to relax the entire back and not just the neck part. We started with a pleasant and relaxing radiotherapy, which was followed by an intensive massage, and during further visits I continued with special exercises and advice on how to keep my back in a good condition. If you are looking for a truly professional approach to solving your rehabilitation problems, QMI will provide you with a high-level care, a very professional team, and a pleasant treatments. I live abroad and I have not found anything like the QMI offer anywhere else. Bravo team QMI. === Czech without diacritics :-) I have long-term problems with scoliosis, and in the winter there were problems with the balance, which probably caused a blockage of my neck. After trying different types of physiotherapy, my niece gave me a rehabilitation package for my birthday at QMI. After a very professional and thorough initial examination, the physiotherapist Mr. Peter Hemzacek explained to me in detail that I need to relax the entire floor and not just the cervical floor. We started a pleasant and relaxing radiotherapy, which was followed by an intensive massage, and during further visits I continued with special exercises and advice on how to keep the floor in good condition. If you are looking for a truly professional approach to solving your rehabilitation problems, QMI will provide you with a high-level furnace, a very professional team and a pleasant treatment. I live abroad and I can compare the offered furnace, I have not found anything like the QMI offer anywhere else. Bravo team QMI.
Kateřina Macíková on Google

Skvělý přístup, přátelský kolektiv, pan Hemzáček je výborný terapeut. Mohu jen doporučit.
Great approach, friendly team, Mr. Hemzáček is an excellent therapist. I can only recommend.
Kateřina Šambergerová on Google

Na dovolené jsem si zablokovala záda v oblasti kříže. Vzhledem k tomu, že mám doma malé mimčo, potřebovala jsem okamžitou pomoc, nemohla jsem se prakticky hnout. Nechtěla jsem jet do nemocnice, kde by mně píchli akorát injekci a poslali by mě domů. A tak jsem obvolávala fyzioterapeuty. Nikdo neměl volno, ale nakonec se nade mnou slitovala fyzioterapeutka z QMI Centrum prevence a vzala mě po pracovní době. Samozřejmě jedna návštěva nestačila, jednalo se o velmi silnou blokádu v oblasti SI skloubení, ale už po té první návštěvě jsem cítila úlevu a to zejména díky závěsnému systému Redcord, se kterým jsem se setkala poprvé. Takže toto Centrum prevence mohu všem jedině doporučit, po mé zkušenosti zejména ženám po porodu. Konkrétně doporučuji fyzioterapeutku Zdeňku Šimánkovou, ke které pravidelně docházím a která je opravdu profesionálem ve svém oboru.
On vacation, I blocked my back in the area of ​​the cross. Since I have a little baby at home, I needed immediate help, I couldn't move. I didn't want to go to the hospital, where they would just give me an injection and send me home. So I called the physiotherapists. No one was on leave, but in the end a physiotherapist from the QMI Prevention Center took pity on me and took me after work. Of course, one visit was not enough, it was a very strong blockade in the area of ​​SI joints, but after that first visit I felt relieved, especially thanks to the Redcord suspension system, which I met for the first time. So I can only recommend this Prevention Center to everyone, after my experience, especially to women after childbirth. Specifically, I recommend the physiotherapist Zdeněk Šimánková, who I attend regularly and who is really a professional in her field.
Petra Krejčová on Google

Skvělé fyzioterapeutické centrum. Rychlé objednání a lidský přístup. Oceňuji, že dokáží pomoci od bolesti i v těhotenství, kdy různé cviky již nelze provádět. Díky skvělé práci fyzioterapeutky paní Šimánkové se i v těhotenství hýbu bez bolesti.
Great physiotherapy center. Quick ordering and human approach. I appreciate that they can help with pain even during pregnancy, when various exercises can no longer be performed. Thanks to the great work of the physiotherapist Mrs. Šimánková, I move without pain even during pregnancy.
Tomáš Hlavsa on Google

Jednoduše - perfektní. Přišel jsem na osobní doporučení a rád ho nyní poskytnu dál. Skvělé jednání každého s kým jsem se v QMI setkal, profesionální přístup, precizní fyzioterapeutická péče. V mém případě konkrétně u paní Zdeňky Šimánkové, která je prostě výborná. Vřele doporučuji.
Simply - perfect. I came up with a personal recommendation and I am happy to provide it now. Great behavior of everyone I met at QMI, professional approach, precise physiotherapy care. In my case, specifically with Mrs. Zdenka Simankova, who is simply excellent. I warmly recommend.
Nada Svihlova on Google

Doporučuji! Profesionální přístup, velmi dobře proškolený a milý personál. Docházela jsem pravidelně a nemám co vytknout. Fyzioterapie zde mi opravdu pomohla. Děkuji.
I recommend! Professional approach, very well trained and friendly staff. I went regularly and I have nothing to complain about. Physiotherapy really helped me here. Thank you.

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