good tearoom - Mírové nám. 66/18

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact good tearoom

Address :

Mírové nám. 66/18, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem-město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77777
Postal code : 400
Website :
Categories :

Mírové nám. 66/18, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem-město, Czechia
Michaela Svobodová on Google

Příjemná atmosféra, výborná vodnice a lahodný čaj. Příjemně prožitý večer, děkuji.
Pleasant atmosphere, excellent turnips and delicious tea. Have a nice evening, thank you.
Temi Czech on Google

Tak za mě asi první Dobrá čajovna, kde sem byl spokojený. Nějak tu nemá cenu vypisovat prostředí protože je shodné v rámci konceptu. Malé nedostatky bych viděl v posezení na pódiu, trošku kvalitnější podsedáky nebo nějaký polštář za záda pri delším sezení je prostě už nepohodlí. Vodní dýmka pouze s bačou, takže intenzivní chuť, ale na krátkou dobu což vidím jako nevýhodu u začátečníků.
So for me, probably the first Good Tea Room, where I was satisfied. Somehow it is not worth listing the environment because it is identical within the concept. I would see small shortcomings in sitting on the podium, a little better seat cushions or a pillow behind my back during a longer session is simply discomfort. Hookah only with a whip, so an intense taste, but for a short time which I see as a disadvantage for beginners.
Marie Zíchová on Google

Do této čajovny chodíme pravidelně každý týden, jelikož jsme vždy maximálně spokojeni. Přátelské prostředí, milá a ochotná obsluha, velký výběr čajů a tabáků. Konečně podnik na úrovni. Určitě s přáteli doporučujeme.?
We go to this teahouse regularly every week, as we are always maximally satisfied. Friendly environment, friendly and helpful staff, a large selection of teas and tobaccos. Finally a business level. Definitely recommended with friends.?
Green Drn (GreenDragon) on Google

Velice kvalitní čajovna v Ústí nad Labem, první čajovna která naplnila moje očekávaní, čaje byl super, jídlo bylo užasné, a Vodnice super, hudba byla pěkná. Obsluha byla velice milá a ochotná i při obrovdkém návalu lidí. No prostě 5 hvězdiček.
High quality tea house in Ústí nad Labem, the first tea house that met my expectations, the tea was great, the food was amazing, and Vodnice great, the music was nice. The staff was very nice and helpful even with a huge influx of people. Well, just 5 stars.
Radek Lukášek on Google

Skvelá čajovna se super atmosférou. Vodnice mají se super příchutí a ideálně silné. Čaj kvalitní a vždy poradí se správnou připravou. Také se zde dají sehnat produkty, které pomáhají se spánkem a stresem. Rádi tam s přáteli chodíme a chodit budeme dál.
Great tea room with a great atmosphere. Turnips are super flavored and ideally strong. Quality tea and always advises with the right preparation. You can also find products that help with sleep and stress. We like to go there with friends and we will continue to walk.
Artem Šatochin on Google

Dlouhe čekání na obsluhu, čaj a dýmky (chápu, ze meli plno, ale mohli se slušně omluvit a ne byt nepříjemný kvuli tomu na zakaznika). Dále nám vynadali, ze maj plno a nemaji konvičku na Yogi (snad neni problém se slušně domluvit a dostat to v jine konvičce). Po obdržení čaje se ani nezeptali, zda zname přípravu, takže jsem se musel zeptat sám. Dale jsem nedostal presypaci hodiny, abych věděl jak dlouho se caj louhuje. Po zeptani, jsem opet dostal vynadano, at si zapnu stopky na telefonu. Co se týče dýmky, tak žádná sláva, sice maji hezky výběr tabáku, ale chuťově nic moc (možná nemejou šlauchy ani tělo).
Long waits for service, tea and pipes (I understand that they were full, but they could apologize decently and not be uncomfortable because of the customer). They also told us that they were full and did not have a kettle for Yogi (perhaps it is not a problem to make a decent agreement and get it in another kettle). After receiving the tea, they didn't even ask if we knew the preparation, so I had to ask myself. I also didn't get an hourglass to know how long the tea was brewing. When asked, I was told to turn on the stopwatch on the phone. As for the pipe, no fame, although they have a nice selection of tobacco, but not much taste (maybe they have no tendons or body).
Petr Šebík on Google

Great place for a pot of tea or sisha.
Cat Kerr on Google

I’ve gone to numerous Dobra Cajovna locations, so I was expecting this one to be similar quality to the others, but it was not. The design inside was “off” — the decorations were kind of tacky and the fluorescent lights did not help with the mood. Other Dobra Cajovnas are brilliantly and beautifully designed, which is part of the attraction. But much more importantly, let’s talk about the tea/food/service. The teapot they used for my tea had strainer holes that were way too big for the type of tea I ordered, so there was a lot of debris in my cup each time I strained the tea. The worst of it: The employees and some other people were playing a board game together; meanwhile I was the only other customer in the shop. I waited 40 minutes for them to bring my food, during which time I literally saw one of the employees prepare food for himself and sit down and eat. After 40 minutes, I figured they had forgotten my food, so I got up to pay and leave without it. But then I found my food sitting up there behind the counter. I sat back down and then they brought it to me. I should mention too, this was nothing elaborate. Just cous cous with cheese and raw/canned vegetables. It should have taken about 5 minutes to prepare it, not 40. I felt ignored, unwelcome, and awkward, and the food wasn’t even good.

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