Gynekologická ordinace - MUDr. Haouiová

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gynekologická ordinace - MUDr. Haouiová

Address :

K. Šafáře 887, České Budějovice 2, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +87
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Categories :

K. Šafáře 887, České Budějovice 2, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czechia
Zdislava JIrásková on Google

Alena Jelena on Google

Katsiaryna Shamayeva on Google

Naprosto fantasticka doctorka, strasne rada ze tam hodim. Velice inteligentna, skvela. Sestricka take super. Spokojenost a bajecna atmosfera.
Absolutely fantastic doctor, happy to throw in there. Very intelligent, great. Nurse take super. Satisfaction and wonderful atmosphere.
Lucie Čelková on Google

Paní doktorka je vstřícná a pečlivá. Jsem moc ráda, že jsem u ní.
The doctor is helpful and careful. I'm so glad I'm with her.
Ivana Musilová on Google

Bohužel já s paní doktorkou nemám dobré zkušenosti a proto sem od ní odešla. Několik měsíců mi nechodila MS a pani doktorka nasadila prášky a řekla že se to stává tím to pro ní skončilo a žádné jiné vyšetření mi neudělala. Oznámila sem ji i to že se s partnerem delší dobu snažíme o miminko a když už jsme s partnerem nechtěli dál čekat a začít něco dělat jít na testy tak mi oznámila,že jsem mladá a že by to tolik nehrotila. Přístup opravdu hrozný .
Unfortunately, I do not have good experience with the doctor and therefore I left her. For several months I didn't go to MS and the doctor put on pills and said that it is becoming over for her and she did not do any other examinations for me. I told her that my partner and I have been trying for a long time for a baby and when we did not want to wait with my partner and start doing something for the tests and told me that I am young and that it would not be so much. Approach really terrible.
Ladyhawke on Google

K paní doktorce jsem přestoupila před cca 10 lety od jiné lékařky. Hledala jsem schopnou a empatickou lékařku. Vyšetření nejsou příjemná pro žádnou ženu, já měla vše ještě horší z důvodu úzkostné poruchy a její přístup ke mě byl vždy fantastický, ačkoliv jsem se s ní pokaždé bojovala. Ne vždy jsme se shodly v názorech, ale vždycky jsme došly ke kompromisu. Za mě velmi doporučuji, a jen nerada od paní doktorky odcházím - z důvodu stěhování na větší vzdálenost a hledání gynekologa v jiném městě.
I transferred to the doctor about 10 years ago from another doctor. I was looking for a capable and empathetic doctor. The examinations are not pleasant for any woman, I had everything worse because of anxiety disorder, and her approach to me has always been fantastic, although I have always fought her. We have not always agreed on our views, but we have always come to a compromise. For me I highly recommend, and I just do not like leaving the doctor - because of moving over a distance and looking for a gynecologist in another city.
Anezka Jakesova on Google

Musím zde vychválit hlavně zdravotní sestřičku. Jeden z nejmilejších a nejochotnějších lidí ze zdr. personálu, na jakého jsem narazila! :) paní doktorka milá, jen mi trošku vadí, že se k nehormonální antikoncepci nestaví pozitivněji. Zároveň mi na mé nevydržitelné menstruační bolesti řekla, že je to normální a předepsala jen prášky na bolest :(…
I have to praise the nurse here in particular. One of the nicest and most helpful people I have ever come across! :) Mrs. Doctor, I'm just a little annoyed that she's not more positive about non-hormonal contraception. At the same time, on my unsustainable menstrual pain, she told me that it was normal and only prescribed pain pills: (…
sama sakaki on Google

My worst experience of visiting a gynecologist! would never go there again, would never recommend her. I visited this doctor 2 times, once for a simple breast checkup, to check if the cysts I already have changed in size or numbers. she sent me to do ultrasound and she told me everything was fine and they found nothing. I printed my results from my previous doctor in my country and I was thinking to take the results to her and ask her how she couldn't find the easiest thing which you even could touch it! My mistake I didn't have time for it. second time I went there for another simple feminine issue, why again? because it's almost impossible to find a gynecologist in this town who accepts new patient. Brutal examination, you definitely understand what I mean. Good luck and never try this doctor if you are already used to see nice and well experienced doctors. If not go there and give her 5 stars. It's not fair from google that you can't write a review with no star.

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