Heating&Cooling group s.r.o.

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Heating&Cooling group s.r.o.

Address :

Skalní 1088, 753 01 Hranice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79987
Website : http://www.a-centrum.eu/
Categories :
City : Hranice

Skalní 1088, 753 01 Hranice, Czechia
Petr Rada on Google

Miroslav Rýpar on Google

Můžu jen doporučit
I can only recommend
Marcela Melichárková on Google

Firma bez odpovědnosti, jen naslibují a pak skutek utek a neberou telefony
A company without responsibility, they only promise and then act to flee and do not take phones
Ondřej Vlček on Google

Profesionální jednání. Vše udělali jak měli. Klimatizace Airwell super.
Professional negotiations. They did everything they should. Airwell super air conditioner.
Anna Slatinová on Google

Skvělá domluva a provedení. S tepelným čerpadlem jsem naprosto spokojená
Great arrangement and design. I am completely satisfied with the heat pump
Alan Alan on Google

Ruce pryc od teto firmy. Pan Rypar vam udela cenovou nabidku ale na vase dotazy uz nereaguje. Totalne neschopny clovek, ktery tam nema co delat. Ani po mesici nevim odovedi na me dotazy k topeni za 400 tisic. Hledejte dal, tehle firme se vyhnete obloukem!!!”
Hands away from this company. Mr. Rypar will give you a quote, but he will not respond to your questions. Totally incompetent person who has nothing to do there. Even after a month, I can't answer my questions about heating for 400 thousand. Look for it, you will avoid this company with an arch !!! ”
Lukas Kubicek on Google

Instalace klimatizace bez problémů a za rozumnou cenu. Navíc mají vše na showroomu, takže opravdu víte, co kupujete. Můžu doporučit.
Air conditioning installation without problems and at a reasonable price. Plus, they have everything in the showroom, so you really know what you're buying. I can recommend.
Romca Spitzerova on Google

Jednání pana Vaníčka jedna velká katastrofa. Jejich revizní technik úplně to samé. Nainstalují a když je problém, tak se telefon nezvedá a ani nejsou schopni přiznat vlastní chybu. Jedna velká hrůza.
Mr Vaniček's actions one big disaster. Their inspection technicians do exactly the same thing. They install and when there is a problem, the phone does not pick up and they are not able to admit their own mistake. One big horror.

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