
3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hello!

Address :

Sazečská, 102 00 Strašnice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +797
Website : https://hellofreshbakery.com/
Opening hours :
Sunday 8AM–4PM
Monday 6AM–8PM
Tuesday 6AM–8PM
Wednesday 6AM–8PM
Thursday 6AM–8PM
Friday 6AM–8PM
Saturday 8AM–4PM
Categories :
City : Strašnice

Sazečská, 102 00 Strašnice, Czechia
Ľubomír Germek on Google

musim uznat to ze pres tyden je tam hrozne mila obsluha a to je jeden z duvodu proc to misto navstevuju temer kazdy den, ackoliv dnes - sobota 30.3. jsem tam zazil hodne neprijemnou pani, ktera se chovala arogantne a povysenecky a neuvedomovala si na ktery strane pultu stoji (tmavy vlasy, hubena). Bylo by fajn kdyby ji jeji sikovny kolegyne daji trening jak se chovat k svy klientele?
I have to admit that over the week there was a lot of service and it is one of the reasons why I visit almost every day, though today - Saturday 30.3. I experienced a lot of annoying lady there who was arrogant and exhilarating and did not realize on which side of the counter she was (dark hair, thin). It would be nice if her skilful colleague gave her how to treat her clients
Josef Reiner on Google

Velmi dobré umístění prodejny pár desítek metrů od konečné stanice metra "A" depo Hostivař. Obslouží Vás usměvavé a velmi milé dámy. K dispozici teplé a studené nápoje, studená kuchyně, dezerty. Klidné místo na neformální schůzky.
Very good location of the shop a few tens of meters from the final metro station "A" depot Hostivar. Serving you smiling and very nice ladies. Available hot and cold drinks, cold dishes, desserts. Quiet place for informal meetings.
Pavel Pilny on Google

Škoda, po rekonstrukci proti původnímu stavu provozovny i produktů to vypadalo velmi dobře, ale před asi týdnem (psáno 4.2.2018) zdražili a při té příležitosti se jim rozešli cenovky a účtováné ceny u některých produktu a to o celých 90 haléřů a už to trvá týden, takže se nejedná o omyl, ale záměr. Takže hold na snídani jinam, ještě že si člověk může vybrat ....
Pity, after the reconstruction against the original condition of the establishment and products it looked very good, but about a week ago (written February 4, 2018) became more expensive and on that occasion they broke the price tags and billed prices for some products and a total of 90 hellers and it takes week, so it's not a mistake, but an intention. So tribute to breakfast elsewhere, yet that one can choose ....
Martina Matějková on Google

Dnes mne v Hello na Depo Hostivař obsluhovala tak nepříjemná paní, že mne na kávu, kterou mám jinak moc ráda, přešla chuť. Je to škoda, když dojem z jinak dobrého podniku kazí personál.
Today in Hello at Depo Hostivař I was served by such an unpleasant lady that I had a taste for coffee, which I otherwise like very much. It's a shame when the impression of an otherwise good company spoils the staff.
Jan Vyšata on Google

Prodavacka sobecka neockovana krava s obycejnou chirurgickou rouskou na pul huby a argumentem, ze ma vysokou imunitu. Ja fakt nejsem fanda lockdownu, ale presne kvuli temto ignorantum zase prijdeme o vanoce ?
A selfish unscathed cow with an ordinary half-mouth surgery and the argument that she has high immunity. I'm really not a fan of lockdown, but precisely because of these ignorant people we will lose again ?
Martin Paral on Google

Anamaruia 25 on Google

Worse saleswoman! I won.t be buying from here soon!
Stefano Chiappetta on Google

I visited this place some time ago, I distinctly remember that the waitress refused to serve me since I was speaking English. Appalling and utterly disgusting. There was a Czech couple who was visibly embarrassed by the girl's attitude. Xenophobia at its finest.

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