HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD - mezinárodní veletrhy cestovního ruchu a regionální turistiky - Beranových 667

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About HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD - mezinárodní veletrhy cestovního ruchu a regionální turistiky


Na našich veletrzích se vám letos představí v celé své kráse i Tunisko. Chtějí vám ukázat, že Discover Tunisia nejsou jen hotelové resorty, ale i krásně zachovalé památky, golfová hřiště přímo u pobřeží i tajuplná Sahara s oázami, kde můžete spát i pod stanem.

Krátká doletová vzdálenost, písečné pobřeží s pozvolným vstupem do moře, výborná kuchyně a pohostinnost místních obyvatel ... To vše dělá z Tuniska jednu z nejžádanějších destinací.

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Contact HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD - mezinárodní veletrhy cestovního ruchu a regionální turistiky

Address :

Beranových 667, 199 00 Praha 18, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 199
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City : Praha

Beranových 667, 199 00 Praha 18, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

29. mezinárodní veletrh cestovního ruchu a regionální turistiky HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD se v roce 2020 poprvé konal v prostorách výstaviště PVA EXPO Praha v Letňanech. Pro všechny turisty, tuláky a výletníky představuje jedinečnou možnost vybrat si a porovnat nabídku cestovních agentur a kanceláří, regionálních turistických center, ale i exotických destinací. Dobrý nápad bylo rozdělení do dvou oddělených hal výstaviště - první nabízela českou a slovenskou regionální nabídku, druhá hala byla věnována turistice celosvětové. Je libo navšívit americké národní parky, či peruánské Andy? Nebo naopak prozkoumat region Podorlicka? Rádi byste poznali slovenské památky UNESCO? Můj tip: týdení pronájem lodi (bez nutnosti kapitánských zkoušek) a následná plavba po řekách a kanálech Holandska s kamarády za zhruba 1000 euro (můžete si samozřejmě připlatit za luxusnější loď). Po celou dobu veletrhu probíhají doprovodné akce, za všechny bych chtěl vzpomenout povídání Moniky Benešové, která i přes vážné zdravotní problémy zdolala slavnou (necelých 4300 km dlouhou) Pacifickou hřebenovku. Dalším bonusem byl souběžný veletrh Památky – muzea – řemesla, který představil nejzajímavější památkové objekty České republiky včetně církevních památek. Ať už cestujete autem, pěšky, na kole, nebo lodí, vyberete si tu, HOLIDAY & REGION WORLD je cestovatelský ráj. Některé cestovky tu nabízejí i slevy až pár tisíc z celkové ceny zájezdu. Tyto veletrhy stojí za návštěvu. The 29th International Fair of World and Regional Tourism HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD was held for the first time in the premises of the PVA EXPO Prague in Letňany in 2020. It is a unique opportunity for all tourists, wanderers and hikers to choose and compare the offer of travel agencies and offices, regional tourist centers, as well as exotic destinations. A good idea was the division into two separate halls of the exhibition grounds - the first offering Czech and Slovak regional offers, the second was dedicated to worldwide tourism. Would you like to visit American National Parks or Peruvian Andes? Or, on the contrary, to explore the Podorlicko region? Are you attracted to visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Slovakia? My tip: weekly boat rental (without the captain's testing) and subsequent cruise on the rivers and canals of Holland with friends for about 1000 euros (you can of course pay extra for a more luxurious boat). Accompanying events were taking place throughout the fair, for which I would like to mention the talk by Monika Benešová, who, despite serious health problems, overcame the famous (nearly 4300 km long) Pacific Ridge. Another bonus was the parallel trade fair Monuments - Museums - Crafts, which presented the most interesting monuments of the Czech Republic, including religious monuments (yeeeah, that´s my cup of tea!). Whether traveling by car, on foot, by bike or by boat, you would find an interesting offer, HOLIDAY & REGION WORLD is a travel paradise. Some travel agencies also offer discounts up to a few thousand of the total price of the trip. These fairs are worth a visit.
The 29th International Fair of Tourism and Regional Tourism HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD was held for the first time in the premises of PVA EXPO Prague in Letňany in 2020. It is a unique opportunity for all tourists, ramblers and hikers to choose and compare the offer of travel agencies and offices, regional tourist centers, as well as exotic destinations. A good idea was the division into two separate halls of the exhibition grounds - the first offering Czech and Slovak regional offers, the second dedicated to worldwide tourism. Would you like to visit American National Parks or Peruvian Andy? Or, on the contrary, to explore the Podorlicko region? Are you attracted to visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites? My tip: weekly boat rental (without the captain's testing) and subsequent cruise on the rivers and canals of Holland with friends for about 1000 euros (you can of course pay extra for a more luxurious boat). Accompanying events are taking place throughout the fair, for which I would like to mention the talk by Monika Benešová, who, despite serious health problems, overcame the famous (nearly 4300 km long) Pacific Ridge. Another bonus was the parallel trade fair Monuments - Museums - Crafts, which presented the most interesting monuments of the Czech Republic, including religious monuments. Whether you travel by car, on foot, by bike, or by boat, you choose here, HOLIDAY & REGION WORLD is a travel paradise. Some travel agencies also offer discounts up to a few thousand of the total price of the trip. These fairs are worth a visit. The 29th International Fair of World and Regional Tourism HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD was held for the first time in the premises of PVA EXPO Prague in Letňany in 2020. It is a unique opportunity for all tourists, wanderers and hikers to choose and compare the offer travel agencies and offices, regional tourist centers, as well as exotic destinations. A good idea was the division into two separate halls of exhibition grounds - the first offering Czech and Slovak regional offers, the second was dedicated to worldwide tourism. Would you like to visit Peruvian Andes? Or, on the contrary, to explore the Podorlicko region? Are you attracted to visit the World Heritage Sites in Slovakia? My tip: weekly boat rental (without captain's testing) and subsequent cruise on rivers and canals of Holland with friends for about 1000 euros (you can pay course for extra luxury boat). Accompanying events were taking place throughout the fair for which I would like to mention Monika Benešová, who, despite serious health problems, overcame the famous (nearly 4300 km long) Pacific Ridge. Another bonus was the parallel trade fair Monuments - Museums - Crafts, which presented the most interesting monuments of the Czech Republic, including religious monuments (yeeeah, it's my cup of tea!). Whether traveling by car, on foot, by bike or by boat, you will find an interesting offer, HOLIDAY & REGION WORLD is a travel paradise. Some travel agencies also offer discounts up to a few thousand of the total price of the trip. These fairs are worth a visit.
Helena Berkova on Google

Výstava se mi líbila, dostala jsem krásné dárečky, zaujala mě Indenesie, Filipíny a Thajsko
I liked the show, I received beautiful gifts, I was interested in Indenesia, the Philippines and Thailand

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