Holy Trinity Church

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Holy Trinity Church

Address :

Plzeňská 261, Plzeňské Předměstí, 337 01 Rokycany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7778
Categories :
City : Rokycany

Plzeňská 261, Plzeňské Předměstí, 337 01 Rokycany, Czechia
Nico Mnz on Google

Aura Avram on Google

Peisajul foarte frumos!
The landscape is very beautiful!
Kozoroh “Kozoroh” on Google

Moc hezká pravoslavná církev. Příjemná atmosféra.
Very nice Orthodox Church. Pleasant atmosphere.
Adrian Mircea Covaci on Google

o biserica ortodoxa in Cehia cu un preot extraordinar ce spune predica in 3 limbi cehe rusa si romana
an orthodox church in the Czech Republic with an extraordinary priest who says sermon in 3 Czech, Russian and Romanian languages
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel najdete v západní části města, v parku U Plzeňské brány (dříve hřbitov). Jedná se o pozdně renesanční stavbu s gotickými prvky. Kostel byl postaven mezi roky 1609 až 1615 mimo opevněné město. Barokní úpravy svatyně byly provedeny v 18. století. Tehdy byly postaveny sakristie, oratoř a kaple sv Rozálie v průčelí. Kostel je jednolodní obdélníková stavba v goticko - renesančním slohu. Vnitřní zařízení je z 19. století. Kostel byl využíván jako hřbitovní - na hřbitově se pohřbívalo do roku 1931. Ke zrušení hřbitova došlo až v roce 1967. Dochovalo se zde několik zajímavých náhrobků a hrobek - některé najdete přímo na fasádě kostela, další po obvodu parku. The church can be found in the western part of the town, in the Pilsen Gate´ park (formerly a cemetery). It is a late Renaissance building with Gothic elements. The church was built between 1609 and 1615 outside the fortified city. Baroque adaptations were made in the 18th century. At that time, the sacristy, oratorio and Chapel of St. Rosalie were built in the front. The church is a single rectangular building in the Gothic - Renaissance style. The interior is from the 19th century. The church was used as a graveyard´s one - people were buried on the cemetery until 1931. The graveyard was abolished only in 1967. There are several interesting tombstones and tombs - some of them are located directly on the church's facade, the other ones around the park´s edge.
The church can be found in the western part of the city, in the park U Plzeňské brány (formerly the cemetery). It is a late Renaissance building with Gothic elements. The church was built between 1609 and 1615 outside the fortified city. Baroque alterations to the sanctuary were made in the 18th century. At that time, the sacristy, the oratory and the chapel of St. Rosalie were built in the facade. The church is a single - nave rectangular building in the Gothic - Renaissance style. The interior is from the 19th century. The church was used as a cemetery - the cemetery was buried until 1931. The cemetery was abolished in 1967. Several interesting tombstones and tombs have been preserved here - some can be found directly on the facade of the church, others around the perimeter of the park. The church can be found in the western part of the town, in the Pilsen Gate´ park (formerly a cemetery). It is a late Renaissance building with Gothic elements. The church was built between 1609 and 1615 outside the fortified city. Baroque adaptations were made in the 18th century. At that time, the sacristy, oratorio and Chapel of St. Rosalie were built in the front. The church is a single rectangular building in the Gothic - Renaissance style. The interior is from the 19th century. The church was used as a graveyard´s one - people were buried on the cemetery until 1931. The graveyard was abolished only in 1967. There are several interesting tombstones and tombs - some of them are located directly on the church's facade, the other ones around the park´s edge.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Pozdně renesanční kostel Nejsvětější Trojice byl postaven v roce 1609. V roce 1801 a 1872 byl přestavěn do dnešní podoby,
The late Renaissance Church of the Holy Trinity was built in 1609. In 1801 and 1872 it was rebuilt into its present form,
jitka Kellerová on Google

Pan farář je moc hodný a ochotný ?
Mr. pastor is very kind and helpful ?
Miloš Zlesa on Google

Jsem rád, že se postupně opravují i menší a pravoslavné kostely. Tento je umístěný uprostřed nově vzniklého parku na místem bývalého hřbitova.
Glad gradually repairing smaller and Orthodox churches. This is located in the middle of the newly created park on the site of a former cemetery.

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