Horák Zbyněk MVDr. - Vojt. Martínka 713

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Horák Zbyněk MVDr.

Address :

Vojt. Martínka 713, 735 14 Orlová, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 735
Categories :
City : Orlová

Vojt. Martínka 713, 735 14 Orlová, Czechia
Vlaďka Sedláčková on Google

Super přístup ke zvířátkům.?
Super access to animals.?
Barbora Rzymanová on Google

Pan veterinář by měl odevzdat diplom.Nepozná nic.U testu z krve nedostanete ani papír s výsledky.Pokud své zvíře milujete utečte.
The vet should hand in his diploma. He doesn't know anything. You won't even get a paper with the results of the blood test. If you love your animal, run away.
Zuzana Burová on Google

Vždy naprostá spokojenost. Skvělý přístup ke zvířátkům, vše vždy vysvětlí. Nevím jméno paní doktorky, která dnes sloužila, ale byla zlatá. Děkuji.
Always complete satisfaction. Great approach to animals, always explains everything. I don't know the name of the doctor who served today, but it was golden. Thank you.
Michaela Fiedorova on Google

Super paní doktorka, dnes sme byli, na vše hned odpověděla, poradila, doporučila, dokonce nás i pochvalila ze čistíme zoubky, moc super usměvavá doktorka, doporučuji ❤️
Super lady doctor, today we were, she answered everything right away, advised, recommended, she even praised us for cleaning our teeth, very super smiling doctor, I recommend ❤️
Monika Vlčková on Google

Pokud chcete svěřit zdravotní péči svého mazlíčka do těch nejlepších rukou, tak právě tady.
If you want to entrust your pet's health care to the best hands, then right here.
Nikol Langerová on Google

Dnes jsme byli s naším psem na očkování a poprvé jsme nebyli spokojení s paní doktorkou, která byla v ordinaci. Její jednání při vchodu, že jsme si dovolili zaklepat, když v čekárně nikdo nebyl. Navíc kontrola našeho psa, než dostal injekci byla odfláknutá! Nezjistila ani to, že pes má šelest! Přitom pes jí léky na srdce a nám tvrdila, že šelest nemá! Na odčervení se zeptala paní doktorka až po injekci. Když ordinoval pan Horák nikdy nebyl problém, ale dnešní zkušenost byla hrozná. Paní doktorka by se měla nad svým přístupem trochu zamyslet...
Today we were with our dog for vaccination and for the first time we were not satisfied with the doctor who was in the surgery. Her meeting at the entrance that we dared to knock when no one was in the waiting room. In addition, checking our dog before getting an injection was sloppy! She didn't even find out that the dog was murmuring! At the same time, the dog eats heart medicine and told us that it does not have a murmur! The doctor asked about deworming only after the injection. When he ordained Mr. Horák was never a problem, but today's experience was terrible. The doctor should think a little about her approach ...
Tereza Špačková on Google

Bohužel, nemohu na tuto veterinární stanici říct nic hezkého můj kocourek měl nateklou celou nožičku nemohl na ni chodit nechtěl jist ani pít a jediné co mi paní doktorka řekla je ze to má zlomené. V ten den večer to kocourkovi prasklo a začal vytékat hnis poté se mu udělala na noze velká díra. Na druhy den jsme jely do Dolní Lutyně na veterinární kliniku VETICEA kde hned paní doktorka věděla ze ma v nožičce zánět hned mu to vymačkala nožičku zašila dala nám antibiotika a prášky na bolest. Kocourek je v tuto chvíli už zdraví, bohužel ne díky paní doktorce na veterině u benzínky. Takže za mě strašné a teď už jedině na veterinární kliniku VETICEA.
Unfortunately, I can't say anything nice at this veterinary station, my boy had a swollen whole leg, he couldn't go to it, he didn't want to be sure or drink, and the only thing the doctor told me was that it was broken. That evening, the boy broke and pus began to flow, then a large hole formed in his leg. The next day we went to Dolní Lutyně to the veterinary clinic VETICEA where the doctor knew that the inflammation was immediately in my leg. It immediately squeezed his leg. The boy is already healthy at the moment, unfortunately not thanks to the doctor at the vet at the gas station. So terrible for me and now only to the VETICEA veterinary clinic.
Nikie Ouper on Google

V Orlové jsem docela spokojená, paní doktorka je moc hodná a vždy si pořádně mého psa prohlídne i za hloupou prohlídku mu dá dva piškoty. A nic jsme neplatily.(byla to první prohlídka) V Havířově o to hůř. Můj pes měl blechy šly jsme na veterinu do Havířova (stejná klinika) dala mu tabletku ze ze druhe den blechy vypadnou a nepujdou na neho. Blechy nemel ale furt se drbal. Uz je to vic jak mesic stale se drbe . 14dni zpet jsme tam byli ze jsme meli tabletku co mela mela pomoct rekla ze mam přijet i s pejskem ze ho prohlídne. Prohlidka 30 sekund na zádech Tod vše. Zachazela snim jako by ji ta prace uz uz nebavila hazela tam sním salta. Dala mu injekci a tabletky. Nechala sem tam skoro 600 Kč (ještě mu strihala drapky a strihla jo ze mu tam všude tekla totálně krev) úplně tam knucel . Injekce pomohla na jeden den. Na jeden den dat 600 kc???? Co to je jako. A za to ze ho strihla ten blby piškot mu dát mohla ani ho nepohladila nic. ... A pořád se drbe. Ale tam uz teda nejdu max Orlová.
I am quite satisfied in Orlová, the doctor is very kind and she always takes a good look at my dog ​​and gives him two biscuits for a stupid check. And we didn't pay anything (it was the first tour) Worse in Havířov. My dog ​​had fleas, we went to the vet in Havířov (the same clinic) gave him a pill from the next day the fleas would fall out and not go to him. He didn't have fleas, but he was still scratching. It's been more than a month now. 14 days ago we were there that we had a pill that she had to help said that I should come with a dog to see him. A 30 second tour on Tod's back. She treated her as if she didn't like the job anymore. She gave him an injection and pills. I left almost 600 CZK here (she was still cutting his claws and she was cutting, so that there was total blood flowing everywhere there) he was all over there. The injection helped for one day. 600 kc for one day ???? What is it like. And for cutting him the stupid sponge cake, she couldn't give him anything. ... And he's still gossiping. But I'm not going there max Orlová.

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