hřbitov Liběchov - Rumburská 73

4.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact hřbitov Liběchov

Address :

Rumburská 73, 277 21 Liběchov, Czechia

Postal code : 277
Categories :
City : Liběchov

Rumburská 73, 277 21 Liběchov, Czechia
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Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pěkně udržovaný hřbitov o celkové ploše 1450 m2 je plný působivých výtvarných děl i vizuálně zajímavých zákoutí, takže jsem se tu zdržel déle, než jsem plánoval. Najdete tu mimojiné hrob tuchoměřického děkana Filipa Čermáka, který v Liběchově působil. Na jednom z hrobů jsem našel text, ze kterého až mrazí: "V pátek 14. prosince 1973 byly z poničené panské hrobky kaple Svatého Ducha a Božího hrobu v Liběchově odstraněny pohřby 26 příslušníků ctihodného rodu pana Jakoubka Veitha a Karla Hyacinta, svobodného pána Villani de Castelle Pilonico. Zneuctěné ostatky byly hromadně a bez obřadu pohřbeny pohřbeny ve zdejších opuštěných hrobech k zapomnění". Snad my nezapomeneme na dobu normalizačního řádění. The well-kept cemetery with a total area of 1450 m2 is full of impressive artworks and visually interesting corners, so I stayed longer than I planned. You will find here the tombstone of the dean of the Tuchoměřice dean, Filip Čermák, who worked in Liběchov. On one of the graves, I found a text from which my blood was frozen: "On Friday, 14 December 1973, disgraced burials of 26 members of the venerable family of Mr. Jakoubek Veith and Karel Hyacint, free Lord Villani de Castelle Pilonico were taken off the graves from chapel of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Sepulcher and buried in abandoned graves and without burial ceremonies". Perhaps we will not forget the period of normalization atrocity.
The nicely maintained cemetery with a total area of ​​1450 m2 is full of impressive works of art and visually interesting corners, so I stayed here longer than planned. You will find here the grave of the Dean of Tuchoměřice Filip Čermák, who worked in Liběchov. On one of the graves I found a text from which it freezes: "On Friday, December 14, 1973, the funerals of 26 members of the Reverend House, Jakoubek Veith and Karel Hyacint, the free Lord Villani de Castelle Pilonico. The disgraced remains were buried, buried without ceremony, in the abandoned local graves for oblivion. " Perhaps we will not forget the period of normalization rampage. A well-kept cemetery with a total area of ​​1450 m2 is full of impressive artworks and visually interesting corners, so I stayed longer than I planned. You will find here the tombstone of the dean of Tuchoměřice dean, Filip Čermák, who worked in Liběchov. On one of the graves, I found a text from which my blood was frozen: "On Friday, 14 December 1973, disgraced burials of 26 members of the venerable family of Mr. Jakoubek Veith and Karel Hyacint, free Lord Villani de Castelle Pilonico were taken off the graves from the chapel of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Sepulcher and buried in abandoned graves and without burial ceremonies ". Perhaps we will not forget the period of normalization atrocity.

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