Hřensko - Obecní Úřad - Hřensko 71

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Contact Hřensko - Obecní Úřad

Address :

Hřensko 71, 407 17 Hřensko, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 407
Website : http://www.hrensko.cz/klamme/
Categories :
City : Hřensko

Hřensko 71, 407 17 Hřensko, Czechia
Sandra Gasch on Google

Eingentlich ein schöner kleiner Ort von dem man sehr gut in die böhmische Schweiz zum wandern starten kann. Leider muss man sich durch die Straßen mit Asiatischen händler schlagen. Billig fake Klamotten und ramsch. Sehr schade das es keinen tschechischen Souvenir Laden gibt wo man kleine Andenken kaufen kann. Wenn man den china markt überstanden hat und am ende der Straße ist zum Wald, erwartet einen eine wunderschöne Landschaft der Böhmischen Schweiz. Die drei Sterne nur für die Landschaft, zu der es geht. Ansonsten keinen Stern verdient.
Actually a nice little place from which one can very well start hiking in Bohemian Switzerland. Unfortunately, you have to struggle through the streets with Asian traders. Cheap fake clothes and junk. It is a shame that there is no Czech souvenir shop where you can buy small souvenirs. If you have survived the china market and at the end of the road to the forest, a beautiful landscape of Bohemian Switzerland awaits you. The three stars only for the landscape it is about. Otherwise not a star.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Dobře vybavené infocentrum, kde m,ůžete kromě klasické nabídky map, suvenýrů, možností ubytování a dopravy ještě zhlédnout výstavku na téma "dřevo a kámen - využití Labe jako dopravní cesty ze Saska do Cech". Právě doprava dřeva stála za vznikem osady Hřensko. V roce 1408 je v písemnostech Berků z Vysoké Lípy zmínka o odbočce z České cesty ke krčmě na břehu řeky Labe. Krčma, která zde stála sloužila plavcům a vorařům. Při ústí Kamenice bylo skladiště dříví, v provozu byl i mlýn. Plavení dříví vyžadovalo i budování nutného zázemí, dřevaři a plavci si tady postavili chýše,V letech 1530 – 1550 se na území Hřenska začali usazovat noví osadníci. Po Labi se už neplavilo jen dříví, v hřenských skladištích bylo ukládáno obilí, sklo, ale také sůl dovážená do Čech. A well-equipped infocenter where you can see, besides the classic offer of maps, souvenirs, accommodation and transport possibilities, an exhibition entitled "Wood and stone - using the Elbe as a transport route from Saxony to Bohemia". It was the transport of wood that was behind the origins of Hřensko. In 1408 the documents belonging to Berka family of Vysoká Lípa mentioning local turn from the Czech way to the pub on the bank of the river Elbe. The tavern that stood here served the rafters. At the outfall of Kamenice there was a warehouse of wood with the mill. The floating of wood required the construction of necessary facilities, so timbermen and rafters built a huts here. Between 1530 - 1550 new inhabitants settled in Hřensko. Along with wood the grain, glass, but also the salt were imported into Bohemia and stored in local warehouses.
Well-equipped information center, where, in addition to the classic offer of maps, souvenirs, accommodation and transport options, you can also see an exhibition on "wood and stone - the use of the Elbe as a transport route from Saxony to Bohemia". It was the transport of wood that was behind the establishment of the Hřensko settlement. In 1408, the writings of the Berks of Vysoká Lípa mention a branch from the Czech road to a tavern on the banks of the river Elbe. The tavern that stood here served swimmers and raftsmen. There was a wood warehouse at the mouth of the Kamenice, and a mill was in operation. Floating wood also required building the necessary facilities, lumberjacks and swimmers built huts here. In the years 1530 - 1550, new settlers began to settle in the Hřensko area. Not only wood was flowing on the Elbe, grain and glass, but also salt imported to Bohemia were stored in Hren's warehouses. A well-equipped infocenter where you can see, besides the classic offer of maps, souvenirs, accommodation and transport possibilities, an exhibition entitled "Wood and stone - using the Elbe as a transport route from Saxony to Bohemia". It was the transport of wood that was behind the origins of Hřensko. In 1408 the documents belonging to Berka family of Vysoká Lípa mentioning local turn from the Czech way to the pub on the bank of the river Elbe. The tavern that stood here served the rafters. At the outfall of Kamenice there was a warehouse of wood with the mill. The floating of wood required the construction of necessary facilities, so timbermen and rafters built a huts here. Between 1530 - 1550 new inhabitants settled in Hřensko. Along with wood the grain, glass, but also the salt were imported into Bohemia and stored in local warehouses.
Lenka Hrubá on Google

Bohužel, vedení Hřenska je 100 let za opicema nebo si neumím představit starostu, kterému nevadí, že má z města parkoviště/vietnamskou tržnici. Těšili jsme se na malebné městečko s krásnými domky a byli jsme doslova uvitržení, co je ještě ve 21. století v ČR možné. Přitom to tady má takový potenciál. Styďte se!
Unfortunately, the management of Hřensko is 100 years behind the monkeys or I can't imagine the mayor, who doesn't mind having a parking lot / Vietnamese market from the city. We were looking forward to a picturesque town with beautiful houses and we were literally seeing what is still possible in the 21st century in the Czech Republic. At the same time, it has such potential here. Shame on you!
Quynh Nhu Nguyen on Google

hrensko cz 07.2019
Long Talker on Google

Beautiful castle where Saxony and Bohemia meet.
Roman Srp on Google

Do not stay here for meal. Everywhere here it is overpriced with quality not being adequate. Just visit the nature parks and leave.
Eugene Ilchenko on Google

Interesting historical city occupied by hordes of asian-owned street shopping malls
Henry on Google

Besides the beautiful castle and the surrounding cliffs, it is not worth it staying there for long or eat something in the restaurants, because the food is too pricey for what you get and the parking lots next to the street are almost guarded by asian people, who want money for the parking. There are also a lot of small sales booths that sell fake products for a low price, but the quality is very bad and the product breaks down very soon.

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