Hrusická restaurace a penzion

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hrusická restaurace a penzion

Address :

Hrusice 23, 251 66 Hrusice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Hrusice

Hrusice 23, 251 66 Hrusice, Czechia
Radek Šubrt on Google

Začnu od toho pozitivního. Moc hezké místo i prostředí, milá a vtipná obsluha, točená kofola, nejspíš i birell byl točený a ze všech tabulí na vás křičí jedna česká pochoutka za druhou - ani nevíte, co si dát, protože byste si nejraději dali všechno. Objednáváme polévku s játrovými knedlíčky, čtvrtku kachny se zelím a knedlíkem, guláš, smažený hermelín a vepřové karé s grilovanou zeleninou. K posledním dvoum jídlům i hranolky a tatarku. Játrová polévka většině chutnala, ale na mě příliš druhů a přílišné množství zeleniny (mrkev, květák, kukuřičky, celer) a dva malé játrové knedlíčky od kterých jsem čekal víc. U hlavních jídel začnu nejlepším, to bylo vepřové karé, které bylo připraveno vynikajícím způsobem, šťavnaté a velmi chutné, velká porce. Grilovaná zelenina taktéž připravena výborně, žádné rychlé šup sem šup tam. Guláš byl prý takový normální, neurazil. Kachna byla bohužel především dušená, po křupavosti ani stopy, spíš stehno než čtvrtka, ale ke guláši i kachně domácí knedlíky. Průšvih byl smažený hermelín. Ve skutečnosti dvě půlky naplocho rozříznutého hermelínu, obalené nejmíň v šestnáctiobalu, takže poměr hermelínu ku strouhance tak 1:3, přinejlepším. Hranolky ušly, ale nejspíš ten olej rozehřívali jen kvůli nám a bylo to znát. Doslova katastrofou byla tatarka, bylo v ní tolik čerstvé cibule, že to bylo až hořké a ani jeden jsme ji nejedli. Hrozně jsem se těšil, že dám 5*, chtěl jsem aspoň 4*, ale bohužel je to jen na tři. Samotného mě to moc mrzí a příště budeme váhat, jestli se zde zastavíme.
I'll start with the positive one. Very nice place and environment, nice and funny staff, taped kofola, probably birell was tapped and from all the boards, one Czech delicacy after another shouts at you - you don't even know what to have, because you would like to have everything. We order soup with liver dumplings, duck quarter with cabbage and dumplings, goulash, fried camembert and pork loin with grilled vegetables. French fries and tartare with the last two dishes. The liver soup mostly tasted good, but for me too many kinds and too many vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, corn, celery) and two small liver dumplings from which I expected more. The main dishes start with the best, it was pork loin, which was prepared in an excellent way, juicy and very tasty, large portion. Grilled vegetables also prepared perfectly, no quick peel here and there. The goulash was said to be so normal, he didn't offend. Unfortunately, the duck was mainly stewed, after crunching or a trace, more thigh than Thursday, but to the goulash and the duck homemade dumplings. The trouble was fried camembert. In fact, two halves of a flat-cut camembert, wrapped at least in a sixteen-pack, so a camembert to breadcrumb ratio of 1: 3, at best. The fries went away, but they probably warmed the oil just for us, and it was obvious. The tartar was literally a disaster, there was so much fresh onion in it that it was bitter and neither of us ate it. I was really looking forward to giving 5 *, I wanted at least 4 *, but unfortunately it's only for three. I'm very sorry about it myself and next time we will hesitate to stop here.
Jitka Vitáková on Google

Petr Brychta on Google

Renata on Google

Daniel Jombík on Google

Peter Franek on Google

The restaurant is the only restaurant in Hrusice. They didn't have any Pizza dispite offering it in the menu and on the portal: most of the dishes in the menu weren't avaliable either. From those available, the options were pork in many (indistinguishable) variations or fried cheese. We rather chose to only have a drink and leave hungry, with a hungry small child. The staff was not very friendly. Remark: it seems that there are two restaurants of the same name on two opposite sides of the street, but they apparently share the kitchen. (Visited August 2015)
Jiří Váňa on Google

Good place for lunch and some beer. Decent menu.
Mario Toma on Google

We were in 20, we arrived here without booking, but we were served very quickly and the food was good.

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