HUSQVARNA Jiří Křapáček - V Oblouku 800

3/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact HUSQVARNA Jiří Křapáček

Address :

V Oblouku 800, 252 43 Průhonice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 252
Website :
Categories :
City : Průhonice

V Oblouku 800, 252 43 Průhonice, Czechia
Matej Skoupy on Google

Vladimíra Lenská on Google

Jedna hviezdička keďže menej nejde. Zamestnanec predajne neprejavil akýkoľvek záujem sa nám venovať. Zobral si od nás telefónne číslo a adresu a že sa nám technik ozve ohľadom automatickej kosačky. Mali sme ďalšie doplňujúce otázky ale on proste od nás odišiel a šiel sa venovať inému zákazníkovi. Už dlho som nezažila takúto arogantnost voci zákazníkovi. Nemyslim si, ze Husqvarna by bola spokojná keby sa dozvedela ako sa zamestnanci autorizovaného predajcu v CR správajú k zákazníkovi. Nikdy viac neprejavime záujem o tuto značku. A technik sa vôbec neozval.
One star because less is not possible. The store employee did not show any interest in us. He took the phone number and address from us and that the technician would contact us regarding the automatic mower. We had other additional questions but he just left us and went to deal with another customer. I have not experienced such arrogance towards the customer for a long time. I do not think that Husqvarna would be satisfied if it found out how the employees of an authorized dealer in CR treat the customer. We will never show interest in this brand again. And the technician didn't answer at all.

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