Jiří Strakoš

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Jiří Strakoš

Address :

Rychaltice 358, 739 46 Hukvaldy, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +778
Categories :
City : Hukvaldy

Rychaltice 358, 739 46 Hukvaldy, Czechia
Jana Lučanová on Google

Oběd byl výborný, hermelín v bramborákovém těstě s oblohou, nestihla jsem ani udělat fotku ?
Lunch was excellent, camembert in potato pancake batter with garnish, I didn't even have time to take a picture ?
Lida Bohlova on Google

Za mě nic moc. Trochu víc uklidit by neuškodilo. Jídelníček hodně zastaralý a jídlo se sice dalo sníst, ale...... už by se tady víckrát nezastavila.
Not much for me. A little more cleaning wouldn't hurt. The menu was very outdated and the food could be eaten, but ...... it wouldn't stop here again.
Sokec on Google

Obsluha bohužel pomalá, nepříjemná, čekání na oběd který byl v menu cca 1 hodinu a to už byla zahrádka prázdná. Na dotaz jestli mají i jiné jídlo než v menu číšník nepříjemně donesl jídelní lístek se slovy na tyto jídla se čeká minimálně 2 hodiny vždyť vidíte kolik tu je lidí, už víckrát sem nepůjdeme. Jídlo stalo vážně za nic. Horší jídlo jsem nejedl. Ano šéfe na vás !!
Unfortunately, the service is slow, unpleasant, waiting for lunch which was on the menu for about 1 hour and the garden was already empty. When asked if they have other food than the menu, the waiter unpleasantly brought a menu with words for these dishes, we have to wait at least 2 hours, because you can see how many people there are, we will not come here again. The food was really worthless. I didn't eat worse food. Yes boss to you !!
Miroslav Křístek on Google

Dal jsem si meníčko na výběr byly dva druhy polévky a asi pět hotových jídel . Česnečka i holandský řízek byly dobré . V nabídce jsou i zákusky . Platit lze i kartou . Celková spokojenost .
The menu I had to choose from was two types of soup and about five ready meals. Garlic and Dutch steak were good. Desserts are also on offer. You can also pay by card. Overall satisfaction.
Ma Ur on Google

Tak urcite, je to jidlo, polivka dobra, raznici dobrý, cena dobra. Jen na te zahradce je dost kraval od projizdejicich nakladaku.
So sure, it's food, soup of good, stamp good, price of good. Only in that garden there is a lot of traffic from passing loaders.
Tomas Stoklasek68 on Google

I'M FREE! on Google

Good food, good prices, easy access, free parking, casual and comfortable.
Blas Pedreño Esteban on Google

They don’t serve you if you are foreigner and they are very unpolite.

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