Kaizen sushi

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kaizen sushi

Address :

Tůmova, 616 00 Brno-Žabovřesky, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Website : https://kaizensushi.cz/
Categories :
City : Brno Žabovřesky

Tůmova, 616 00 Brno-Žabovřesky, Czechia
Dan Rác on Google

Suverénně nejlepší sushi v Brně a možná i v Česku. Po této zkušenosti už si nikdy nedáte "sushi" někde v obchoďáku. Pan majitel je obsluhou a sushi master v jednom a to tomu dodává na zážitku. Odprezentuje vám všechny ryby že kterých Vaše jídlo bude připravovat a doporučí co zkusit. Doporučuji si vymezit 3-4 hodinky a jídlo si užít. Nám se vyplatilo si objednávat postupně a pauzu prokládat saké. Někoho může odradit cena, ale je to cena za vynikající kvalitu, suroviny a zážitek.
Sovereignly the best sushi in Brno and maybe in the Czech Republic. After this experience, you will never have "sushi" somewhere in the mall. The owner is the staff and the sushi master in one and that adds to the experience. He will present you all the fish that your food will prepare and recommend what to try. I recommend setting aside 3-4 hours and enjoying the food. It paid off for us to order gradually and take a break from sake. Some may be discouraged by the price, but it is the price for excellent quality, raw materials and experience.
Jakub Marek on Google

Běžně sushi nejím, ale bylo mi doporučeno si zajít sem a ochutnat opravdové sushi. Musím uznat, že pan majitel ví co dělá a dělá to skvěle. Ochutnal jsem sushi s lososem, tuňákem a krevetou - nejvíce mi chutnaly ty poslední. Sushi s lososem je posypáno kaviárem, rýže ochucena zajímavým (kořením?), balanc chutí naprosto skvělý. Řasy moc nemusím, ale tady je nešlo skoro cítit, prostě dobře udělané sushi. Ceny jsou trochu vyšší, ale odpovídají kvalitě jak surovin, tak prezentaci i chuti:) Rád sem příjdu zas.
I don't normally eat sushi, but I was advised to come here and taste real sushi. I have to admit that the owner knows what he's doing and he's doing great. I tasted sushi with salmon, tuna and shrimp - I liked the latter the most. Sushi with salmon is sprinkled with caviar, rice flavored with interesting (spices?), Balance of tastes absolutely great. I don't need much algae, but I could hardly smell them here, just well-made sushi. The prices are a bit higher, but they correspond to the quality of both the ingredients and the presentation and taste :) I'd love to come here again.
Willy Peña Büttner on Google

Entramos por casualidad buscando un sitio cercano para tomar ? sushi. Es un sitio pequeño donde no caben muchas mesas y donde el dueño hizo de cocinero y camarero. Si vienes no esperes un sitio donde hagan comida fusion o sirvan alimentos poco saludables. Te encontrarás un sitio auténtico donde ponen mucho cariño a lo que preparan. Lugar recomendadisimo y volveremos seguro.
We walked in by chance looking for a nearby place to have ? sushi. It is a small place where there are not many tables and where the owner served as cook and waiter. If you come, do not expect a place where they make fusion food or serve unhealthy food. You will find an authentic place where they put a lot of love into what they prepare. Highly recommended place and we will return for sure.
Kyoko Mishra on Google

I am Japanese and I travel to Europe and other countries quite often. A lot of the times I crave sushi and Japanese food so I end up searching for some. It's hard to find good authentic Japanese food abroad, but Kaizen absolutely amazed me with the high quality, authentic Japanese sushi they served. It was incredibly tasty and just like how they make it back home. The original Wafu, Teriyaki, and Korean dressing they sell suits any and every Japanese meal and adds so much flavour to the dish. Definitely will visit again!!
Pavel Dvorak on Google

the best of the best. there will not be much such quality sushi not only in CZ, but also in Europe. There is definitely no better sushi in Brno
solomon on Google

Highly recommend visiting kaizen for authentic experience and amazing sushi. The chef was incredible at his work, and it was a pleasure to watch him. He was also very hospitable, which made it all around a great evening, best sushi in Brno. Definitely a must try
Pavel Drazdil on Google

Excellent sushi, and very good overall experience. Will return there for sure. Located in a calm residential neighborhood, which can be highly recommended as an alternative to the usual noisy and crowded places downtown. The restaurant is of modest size, but offers a very agreeable atmosphere, supported by the owner's friendly approach. We tried rainbow uramaki, vegetarian hosomaki, and nigiri with tuna and butterfish. All tasted great and was prepared and served directly by the sushi bar owner. We were also offered an appetizer (salad), and an amazing dessert, both on the house.
Antonija Krupljan on Google

Incredible. I have NEVER had such great sushi. It's a must and you will never be able to go back to the other places after this. And not just the sushi. The whole atmosphere that the owner creates by being there and doing this for passion. Wow.

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