KaK Computers Ltd.

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact KaK Computers Ltd.

Address :

Karla Veselého 728, 293 06 Kosmonosy, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +799
Website : https://eshop.kak.cz/
Categories :
City : Kosmonosy

Karla Veselého 728, 293 06 Kosmonosy, Czechia
Kyzivát Marek on Google

Kupoval jsem poprvé bez předešlé zkušenosti a některé recenze mě vážně odrazovali. Ke všemu se jednalo o procesor za 23000, který jinde v republice ani okolních zemích nebyl dostupný. Šel jsem tedy cestou odběru na dobírku a za 2-3 dny zboží opravdu dorazilo a vše je v naprostém pořádku. Musím uznat že jsem měl obavy, ale rozhodně zařadím obchod na svůj seznam důvěryhodných.
I bought for the first time without previous experience and some reviews really discouraged me. In addition, it was a processor for 23,000, which was not available elsewhere in the country or neighboring countries. So I went cash on delivery and in 2-3 days the goods really arrived and everything is in perfect order. I have to admit that I was worried, but I will definitely add the store to my list of trusted people.
Petrsv1000 on Google

Běžně jsem chodím pro náplně do tiskárny a díly do pc, i notas mi tu opravili. Nyní tu měli na půjčení elektrickou koloběžku, po projetí jsem neodolal a po chvíli už mi ji nakládali do kufru ? žena mé nadšeni nesdílela do té doby než si vybrala vysavač v akci, takže jsme odcházeli spokojeni oba ? personal vždy poradil, takže se určitě zase vrátím...
I usually go for printer cartridges and parts for pc, and I have notas fixed me here. Now they had to rent an electric scooter, after the ride I could not resist and after a while they loaded it into my suitcase ? the woman did not share my enthusiasm until she chose the vacuum cleaner in action, so we left both satisfied ? personally always advised, so be sure again I'll return ...
Marko Palko on Google

Firmu nedoporučuji, neresgují na reklamaci nefunkčního zboží.
I do not recommend the company, they do not respond to complaints about non-functional goods.
Theodor Johnson on Google

Malý obchůdek s dlouhou tradicí, ať už potřebujete pouze periferie, nebo poradit s něčím důležitějším, ochotní prodavači vždy rádi a s úsměvem pomůžou
A small shop with a long tradition, whether you only need peripherals or advise on something more important, willing salespeople are always happy to help with a smile
Jakub Vanek on Google

V KaK nakupuji osobně celý svůj počítačový život (20 let). Nikdy jsem neměl problémy a všechny herní mašiny, které jsem si zde domluvil a pak nechal postavit, fungovaly ještě mnoho let po záruce. Aktuálně jsem si nechal postavit PC s RTX 3070. Nejenže je o pár tisíc levnější než od velkých prodejců, ale je k tomu vyladěné a tiché. Až tak, že mě to donutilo napsat tuhle kladnou recenzi, ač obvykle nikam nepíšu.
I personally shop at KaK for the rest of my computer life (20 years). I never had any problems and all the gaming machines I had arranged here and then had built built worked for many years after the warranty. Currently, I have a PC with RTX 3070 built. Not only is it a few thousand cheaper than from major retailers, but it is well-tuned and quiet. So much so that it forced me to write this positive review, although I don't usually write anywhere.
Jakub Hartman on Google

David Beránek on Google

Marketing Manager on Google

I bought a New Year present from Kak.cz for the first time. According to the confirmation email and the information on the website, I should receive it on December 28. Unfortunately, it did not come on time. When I called the client support line, they didn't really apologise or offer me any help. I was just told that they gave it to the Ulozenka logistic company on time and I have to ask from them. When I called Ulozenka MYSELF, I was told that they announced that during holidays there will be a 2-3 working days delay. So, today is January 2, I still didn't receive my order and couldn't present my gift on time. Kak.cz doesn't know how to communicate with their logistic partners and doesn't care about their client's problem. I am very disappointed, will never order from them again.

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