Kaple Narození Páně

3.8/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Kaple Narození Páně

Address :

Unnamed Road, 294 73, Horky nad Jizerou, Czechia

Categories :
City : Horky nad Jizerou

Unnamed Road, 294 73, Horky nad Jizerou, Czechia
Robin Bobbs on Google

Pavel on Google

Nádherný kostel ???????
Beautiful church ???????
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pozdně barokní kaple na kruhovém půdorysu má charakter románské rotundy s apsidou - ta přiléhá k centrální kruhové lodi z východní strany. Na západě je k lodi připojena předsíň s bohatě členěným štítem, ve kterém je otvor pro zvon. Byla vystavěna v r. 1762 díky úsilí zdejšího faráře Františka Rüppela v úzkém prostoru mezi silnicí a patou schodiště ke kostelu sv. Mikuláše. Je přístupna jen během bohoslužeb, které se konají každou třetí neděli v měsíci. Koncem minulého století už byla velmi zchátralá, ale v roce 1991 prošla rekonstrukcí. Dnes je chráněna jako kulturní památka České republiky. The late Baroque chapel on the circular ground plan has the character of a Romanesque rotunda with an apse - it is adjacent to the central circular ship from the east side. To the west, a vestibule with a richly shielded bay in which there is a bell hole is attached to the snave. It was built in 1762 thanks to the efforts of the local priest František Rüppel in the narrow space between the road and the heel of the stairs to the church of St. Nicholas. It is accessible only during religious services that take place every third Sunday of the month. At the end of the last century it was already very dilapidated, but in 1991 it underwent reconstruction. Today it is protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.
The late Baroque chapel on a circular floor plan has the character of a Romanesque rotunda with an apse - it is adjacent to the central circular nave on the east side. To the west, a vestibule with a richly divided gable, in which there is an opening for a bell, is attached to the nave. It was built in 1762 thanks to the efforts of the local priest František Rüppel in a narrow space between the road and the foot of the staircase to the church of St. Nicholas. It is accessible only during services that take place every third Sunday of the month. By the end of the last century, it was already very dilapidated, but in 1991 it underwent reconstruction. Today it is protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic. The late Baroque chapel on the circular ground plan has the character of a Romanesque rotunda with an apse - it is adjacent to the central circular ship from the east side. To the west, a vestibule with a richly shielded bay in which there is a bell hole is attached to the snave. It was built in 1762 thanks to the efforts of the local priest František Rüppel in the narrow space between the road and the heel of the stairs to the church of St. Nicholas. It is accessible only during religious services that take place every third Sunday of the month. At the end of the last century it was already very dilapidated, but in 1991 it underwent reconstruction. Today it is protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.
Eva Jordan on Google

Pozdně barokní kapli z roku 1762 nejde přehlédnout, protože je krásně sytě růžová. Zajímavý je vršek věžicky, který je ozdobený korunkou, to jsem ještě neviděla.
The late Baroque chapel from 1762 cannot be overlooked, because it is beautifully deep pink. Interesting is the top of the tower, which is decorated with a crown, I have not seen that.

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