Kaple svatého Jana Nepomuckého

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Contact Kaple svatého Jana Nepomuckého

Address :

253 01 Hostivice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Hostivice

253 01 Hostivice, Czechia
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Zajímavá výklenková kaple byla postavena v barokním stylu, pravděpodobně v rozmezí let 1815 - 1839. Letopočet 1620, který je na ní umístěn, není datem jejího postavení. Kaple nepatří k řadě poutních kaplí z Prahy do Hájku. Ve výklenku stojí socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého, jemuž je stavba zasvěcena. Barokní socha je z hrubozrnného pískovce, pravděpodobně z Kamenných Žehrovic. V roce 1992 sochu zrestaurovali akademičtí sochaři Jiří a Marcela Kačerovi z Hostivic. Poslední oprava kapličky proběhla v roce 2004, kdy byl na vrchol doplněn jednoduchý kříž. Moc by jí slušela nová fasáda... An interesting niche chapel was built in the Baroque style, probably between 1815 - 1839. The year 1620, which is placed on it, is not the date of its position. The chapel does not belong to a number of pilgrimage chapels from Prague to Hájek. In the niche a statue of St. John of Nepomuk stands, to whom the whole chapel is dedicated. The Baroque statue is made of coarse-grained sandstone, probably from Kamenné Žehrovice (famous and the best Czech source sandstone). In 1992 the statue was restored by sculptors Jiří and Marcela Kačer from Hostivice. The last repair of the chapel took place in 2004, when a simple cross was added to the top. A new facade would be so suitable...
An interesting niche chapel was built in the Baroque style, probably between 1815 - 1839. The year 1620, which is placed on it, is not the date of its position. The chapel does not belong to a number of pilgrimage chapels from Prague to Hájek. In the niche stands a statue of St. John of Nepomuk, to whom the building is dedicated. The Baroque statue is made of coarse-grained sandstone, probably from Kamenné Žehrovice. In 1992 the statue was restored by the sculptors Jiří and Marcela Kačera from Hostivice. The last repair of the chapel took place in 2004, when a simple cross was added to the top. She would look very much at her new facade ... The interesting niche chapel was built in the Baroque style, probably between 1815 - 1839. The year 1620, which is placed on it, is not the date of its position. The chapel does not belong to the number of pilgrimage chapels from Prague to Hájek. St. Nicholas Statue John of Nepomuk stands to whom the whole chapel is dedicated. The Baroque statue is made of coarse-grained sandstone, probably from Kamenné Žehrovice (famous and the best Czech source sandstone). In 1992 the statue was restored by sculptors Jiří and Marcela Kačer from Hostivice. The last repair of the chapel took place in 2004, when a simple cross was added to the top. A new facade would be ...

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