KARA Trutnov, a.s.

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Contact KARA Trutnov, a.s.

Address :

Chvalovice-Hate 196, 669 02 Znojmo, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7777
Website : https://www.kara.cz/
Categories :
City : Znojmo

Chvalovice-Hate 196, 669 02 Znojmo, Czechia
Andrea Ká on Google

Do čistírny jsem si dala dubeňák za 34 tisíc. Po 14 dnech byl vyčištěn. Šokem byl stav kabátu - na přední straně cca. 5 bílých fleků. Prodavačka reagovala tím, že fleky tam již byly před čištěním. Poukázala jsem na stav uvedený v protokolu - tj. běžné znečištění a paní tedy modifikovala evidentní poškození na fleky, které se objevily po čištění. Zakázku jsem odmítla převzít a reklamovala. Vzhledem k recenzím na googlu již vím, jak dopadne - bude zamítnuta a mě čeká boj přes soudního znalce a následný soud, a to vše za 800,- Kč. No neberte to. Ale zničených 34 tisíc jim opravdu nenechám, to opravdu raději absolvuji celé martirium. Velké varování pro všechny, kteří by uvažovali o využití čistírny v Kaře Freeport Hatě.
I put a penny in the dry cleaner for 34 thousand. It was cleaned after 14 days. The condition of the coat was a shock - on the front approx. 5 white spots. The saleswoman responded by saying that the stains were already there before cleaning. I pointed out the condition stated in the protocol - ie normal pollution, and the lady therefore modified the obvious damage to stains that appeared after cleaning. I refused to accept the order and complained. Given the reviews on Google, I already know how it will turn out - it will be rejected and I will have a fight over a forensic expert and a subsequent trial, all for 800 CZK. Well, don't take it. But I really won't leave them destroyed 34,000, I really prefer to go through the whole martyr. A big warning for everyone who would consider using the treatment plant in Kara Freeport Hata.
Vera on Google

Am o haina de piele de la ei luata de la Freeport, Znojmo in anul de gratie 2009. Nu vreți sa știți cât de minunată este. O piele extraordinara din punctul de vedere al calității care, cu toată folosința îndelungată, primăvară-toamna-iarna, nu s-a deteriorat și este ca noua. Regret ca nu au livrări externe. Dar dacă doriți calitate, în adevăratul sens al cuvântului, recomand.
I have a leather coat from them taken from Freeport, Znojmo in the year of grace 2009. You don't want to know how beautiful it is. An extraordinary skin in terms of quality that, despite all its long-term use, spring-autumn-winter, has not deteriorated and is like new. I'm sorry they don't have external deliveries. But if you want quality, in the true sense of the word, I recommend.

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