Karavana - oáza chutí a vůní - Husova 49/2

4.9/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Karavana - oáza chutí a vůní

Address :

Husova 49/2, 276 01 Mělník, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7779
Postal code : 276
Website : https://www.karavanamelnik.cz/
Categories :
City : Mělník

Husova 49/2, 276 01 Mělník, Czechia
Zdeněk Vidlák on Google

Denisa Kůlová on Google

Jana Linhartova on Google

Karel Chocholoušek on Google

Anna Köppelová on Google

Milá a ochotná obsluha - vždy s úsměvem poradí. Velký výběr čajů, bio a zdravých potravin a i přírodní kosmetiky včetně možnosti nakoupit čistící přípravky bezobalově :)
Nice and helpful staff - always advises with a smile. Large selection of teas, organic and healthy foods as well as natural cosmetics, including the possibility to buy cleaning products without packaging :)
Martin S. on Google

Karavana je za mě super místo, co mě ale mrzí je to, že i za dob největších restrikcí zde obsluha absolutně nenosila roušky. Ocenil bych příště víc solidarity. :)
The caravan is a great place for me, but what I'm sorry about is that even during the biggest restrictions, the staff didn't wear veils at all. I would appreciate more solidarity next time. :)
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Velmi hodnotný barokní měšťanský nárožní dům zvaný U modré hvězdy je situovaný v severní části náměstí, při ústí Legionářské ulice. Patrový obdélný dům má parter do náměstí otevřený dvěma půlkruhovými oblouky loubí. Střecha objektu je sedlová. Na štítu je osazen znak domu - osmicípá modrá hvězda. Jádro domu je barokní se stopami mladších úprav. Celé přízemí je zaklenuté. Pod domem se nacházejí tři úrovně sklepů - sklepy prvního podzemního podlaží jsou klenuté kamennou valenou půlkruhovou klenbou, prostory druhého a třetího podzemního podlaží jsou tesané ve skále. Krásný dům je zapsán do státního seznamu kulturních památek. A very valuable baroque burghers corner house, called "By the Blue Star", is situated in the northern part of the square, at the mouth of the Legionary Street. The two-storeyed rectangular house has a ground floor open to the square by two semicircular arches of the courtyard. The roof of the building is saddle. On the shield there is a house emblem - an eight-pointed blue star. The core of the house is baroque with traces of younger arrangements. The whole ground floor is vaulted. Below the house are three levels of cellars - cellars of the first underground floor are arched with a stone veneered half-circular vault, spaces of the second and third underground floors are carved in rock. The beautiful house is listed in the state list of cultural monuments.
A very valuable Baroque burgher corner house called U modré hvězdy is situated in the northern part of the square, at the mouth of Legionářská Street. The two-storey rectangular house has a ground floor to the square opened by two semicircular arches of arches. The roof of the building is saddle. The sign of the house is mounted on the gable - an eight-pointed blue star. The core of the house is Baroque with traces of younger alterations. The whole ground floor is vaulted. Under the house there are three levels of cellars - the cellars of the first underground floor are vaulted with a stone cylindrical semicircular vault, the spaces of the second and third underground floors are carved into the rock. The beautiful house is registered in the state list of cultural monuments. A very valuable baroque burghers corner house, called "By the Blue Star", is situated in the northern part of the square, at the mouth of the Legionary Street. The two-storeyed rectangular house has a ground floor open to the square by two semicircular arches of the courtyard. The roof of the building is saddle. On the shield there is a house emblem - an eight-pointed blue star. The core of the house is baroque with traces of younger arrangements. The whole ground floor is vaulted. Below the house are three levels of cellars - cellars of the first underground floor are arched with a stone veneered half-circular vault, spaces of the second and third underground floors are carved in rock. The beautiful house is listed in the state list of cultural monuments.

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