Kašna ve Stromovce - 170 00

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Contact Kašna ve Stromovce

Address :

Unnamed Road, 170 00, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Postal code : 170
Categories :
City : Praha

Unnamed Road, 170 00, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Je moc příjemné sledovat, jak se Stromovka od roku 2015 proměňuje do krásy. Tříletá rekonstrukce centrální části parku skončila v roce 2017 a výčet dat je obdivuhodný. Přes 13 200 metrů čtverečních nových vodních ploch, více než 17 700 metrů krychlových vytěžené zeminy a bahna, přes 9 hektarů zrekonstruovaných trávníků, 3 900 metrů opravených cest, 163 vysazených dřevin, 140 nových mokřadních rostlin, náklady 71,5 milionu korun a tři roky neustávající práce. V rámci obnovy parku byly zrekonstruovány některé staré kašny a fontány, a nové vybudovány. Na vstupním rozcestí ve Stromovce od Ovenecké ulice je umístěn zdroj pitné vody, což určitě pomůže nejen pejskařům. It is very nice to watch how Stromovka turns into beauty from 2015. Three-year reconstruction of the central part of the park finished in 2017 and listing the data is admirable. Over 13,200 square meters of new water areas, more than 17,700 cubic meters of extracted soil and mud, over 9 hectares of restored lawns, 3,900 meters of repaired roads, 163 planted trees, 140 new wetland plants, costs 71,5 million crowns and three years of permanent work. As part of the restoration of the park, some old fountains have been reconstructed and newly built. At the entry crossroads in Stromovka from Ovenecká Street there is a source of drinking water, which certainly will help not only dogwalkers.
It is very pleasant to watch how Stromovka has turned into beauty since 2015. The three-year reconstruction of the central part of the park ended in 2017 and the list of data is admirable. Over 13,200 square meters of new water bodies, more than 17,700 cubic meters of excavated soil and mud, over 9 hectares of renovated lawns, 3,900 meters of repaired roads, 163 planted trees, 140 new wetland plants, costs 71.5 million crowns and three years constant work. As part of the restoration of the park, some old fountains and fountains were reconstructed and new ones were built. At the entrance crossroads in Stromovka from Ovenecká street there is a source of drinking water, which will definitely help not only dog ​​breeders. It is very nice to watch how Stromovka turns into beauty from 2015. Three-year reconstruction of the central part of the park finished in 2017 and listing the data is admirable. Over 13,200 square meters of new water areas, more than 17,700 cubic meters of extracted soil and mud, over 9 hectares of restored lawns, 3,900 meters of repaired roads, 163 planted trees, 140 new wetland plants, costs 71,5 million crowns and three years of permanent work. As part of the restoration of the park, some old fountains have been reconstructed and newly built. At the entry crossroads in Stromovka from Ovenecká Street there is a source of drinking water, which will certainly help not only dogwalkers.

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