KB Mírové náměstí

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Contact KB Mírové náměstí

Address :

Mírové nám., 550 01 Broumov, Czechia

Categories :
City : Broumov

Mírové nám., 550 01 Broumov, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stará radnice v severozápadním rohu Mírového náměstí čp. 56 je zapsána do seznamu kulturních památek. Ve 13. století sloužil objekt pozdější radnice fojtovi jako obytný dům. Na radniční se budova změnila 8. ledna 1419. Budova byla postižena požáry a obnovována v roce 1452 a 1565. V roce 1542 byla radnice přestavěna a od té doby má současný půdorys. V roce 1838 byla radnice přestavěna do dnešní podoby. Je postavena v renesančním slohu s barokními a klasicistickými úpravami. Dnes je dům využíván jako místní pobočka Komerční banky. The Old Town Hall in the northwest corner of the square "Mírové náměstí" No. 56 is included in the list of cultural monuments. In the 13th century, the building of the later town hall served as a residential house. The building changed to the town hall after January 8, 1419. The building was affected by fires and restored in 1452 and 1565. In 1542 the town hall was rebuilt and since then it has a contemporary floor plan. In 1838 the town hall was rebuilt to its present form. It is built in Renaissance style with Baroque and Classicist modifications. Today the house is used as a local branch of Komerční banka.
The old town hall in the northwest corner of Mírové náměstí No. 56 is registered in the list of cultural monuments. In the 13th century, the building of the later town hall served to Fojt as a residential house. The building was changed to a town hall on January 8, 1419. The building was affected by fires and restored in 1452 and 1565. In 1542, the town hall was rebuilt and has had its current floor plan ever since. In 1838, the town hall was rebuilt into its current form. It is built in the Renaissance style with Baroque and Classicist modifications. Today, the house is used as a local branch of Komerční banka. The Old Town Hall in the northwest corner of the square "Mírové náměstí" No. 56 is included in the list of cultural monuments. In the 13th century, the building of the later town hall served as a residential house. The building changed to the town hall after January 8, 1419. The building was affected by fires and restored in 1452 and 1565. In 1542 the town hall was rebuilt and since then it has a contemporary floor plan. In 1838 the town hall was rebuilt to its present form. It is built in Renaissance style with Baroque and Classicist modifications. Today the house is used as a local branch of Komerční banka.

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