Kdyně - Kdyně

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City : Kdyně

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Železniční trať Horažďovice předměstí - Domažlice (v jízdním řádu označená číslem 185) vede z Horažďovic přes Sušici, Běšiny, Klatovy, Janovice nad Úhlavou a Kdyni do Domažlic, a jde o jednokolejnou neelektrifikovanou trať. Provoz na ní byl zahájen 1. října 1888, nejprve zde začala jezdit jen nákladní doprava a 10. října 1888 i osobní doprava. Úsek Janovice nad Úhlavou - Domažlice o stavební délce 32,312 km je součástí celostátní dráhy. Od konce 17. století byla Kdyně významným střediskem textilního průmyslu, roku 1678 zde byla založena první textilní manufaktura v Čechách, která v polovině 18. století zaměstnávala 500 pracovníků a na 6000 domácích dělníků a byla tak největším zaměstnavatelem v západních Čechách. The railway line Horažďovice suburb - Domažlice (numbered 185) leads from Horažďovice through Sušice, Běšiny, Klatovy, Janovice nad Úhlavou and Kdyně to Domažlice, and it is a ingle non-electrified track. Running on the track began on October 1, 1888, first began to operate only with freight trains and on October 10, 1888 as a passenger transport. The section of Janovice nad Úhlavou - Domažlice with a length of 32,312 km is part of the national railway network. Since the end of the 17th century, Kdyně was an important center of the textile industry. In 1678, the first textile manufactory in Bohemia was established, which employed 500 workers and 6000 domestic workers in the middle of the 18th century and became the largest employer in western Bohemia.
The Horažďovice předměstí - Domažlice railway line (marked with the number 185 in the timetable) leads from Horažďovice via Sušice, Běšina, Klatovy, Janovice nad Úhlavou and Kdyně to Domažlice, and it is a single-track non-electrified line. The operation on it was started on October 1, 1888, at first only freight transport began to run here and on October 10, 1888 also passenger transport. The section Janovice nad Úhlavou - Domažlice with a construction length of 32,312 km is part of the national railway. Since the end of the 17th century, Kdyně has been an important center of the textile industry. The railway line Horažďovice suburb - Domažlice (numbered 185) leads from Horažďovice through Sušice, Běšiny, Klatovy, Janovice nad Úhlavou and Kdyně to Domažlice, and it is a ingle non-electrified track. Running on the track began on October 1, 1888, first began to operate only with freight trains and on October 10, 1888 as a passenger transport. The section of Janovice nad Úhlavou - Domažlice with a length of 32,312 km is part of the national railway network. Since the end of the 17th century, Kdyně was an important center of the textile industry. In 1678, the first textile manufactory in Bohemia was established, which employed 500 workers and 6000 domestic workers in the middle of the 18th century and became the largest employer in western Bohemia.

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