2.1/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Komenského, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +779
Categories :
City : Olomouc

Komenského, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia
Eliška Halušková on Google

Momentální zkušenost. Paní nepříjemná, po sáhnutí na peníze bez dezinfekce hned sahala na jídlo. Je mi na zvracení, hygienické podmínky strašné a to bez ohledu na dobu s nebo bez Covi...
Current experience. The lady was uncomfortable, she immediately reached for food after reaching for the money without disinfection. I'm sick of vomiting, the hygienic conditions are terrible, no matter the time with or without Covi ...
Julia Mostova on Google

Dnes jsem byla velice překvapila. Zašla jsem do kebabu na oběd s přítelem. Chtěli jsme dát jen kousek pizzy, ale jak nám řekli nemají vegetariánské + komentář k tomu: "já nebudu péct celou pizzu, abyste koupili jen jeden kus". Tak jsme objednali kebab a celou pizzu, poděkovali jsme a dostáli jsme odpověď: " Neděkuju". Poté ještě poprosili rozkrajet kebab na dvě časti, na což paní začala křičet zase a řekla nám volat do ji šéfa. Snažili jsme opravit situace ale paní byla v útočné náladě. Na konec naš vyprošen kebab nebyl čerstvý. Nevím proč ta paní dovolí chovat se k lidem tak naštvane
I was very surprised today. I went to the kebab for lunch with a friend. We wanted to give just a slice of pizza, but as they told us they don't have vegetarian + comment: "I'm not going to bake a whole pizza to buy just one slice". So we ordered a kebab and a whole pizza, thanked us and got the answer: "Thank you". Then they asked to cut the kebab into two parts, to which the lady started shouting again and told us to call her boss. We tried to fix the situation, but the lady was in an aggressive mood. In the end, our begged kebab was not fresh. I don't know why the lady will allow people to be so upset
Imferio on Google

Doner kebab bohužel zcela zklamal. Místo pita chleba zvláštní houska, která byla navíc studená. Porce malá a chuťově nevýrazné. Těšil jsem se na dobrý kebab, nyní lituji že jsem si nepřečetl recenze.
Unfortunately, Doner kebab was completely disappointed. Instead of pita bread, a strange bun that was also cold. Serving small and unimpressive. I was looking forward to a good kebab, now I regret that I did not read the reviews.
Terry Verešová on Google

Cenově super, ale chuť nic moc. Hranolky nedodělané, málo masa (což je možná dobře, vzhledem k jeho mastnotě ?). Cením omáčky, ty jsou chutné.
Superb, but nothing much. French fries unfinished, little meat (which is perhaps good, due to its grease ?). I appreciate the sauces, they are delicious.
Ondra Navrátil on Google

Malá porce, prázdný podnik, dlouhé čekání. Jediné,co šlechtí, je vynikající omáčka (bylinková). Znovu už ne.
Petr Matela on Google

Opravdu jsem se těšil, že si po dlouhé době dám kebab po prvním souste letěl do první popelnice. Maso neskutečně mastné bez chuti a celý kebab byl politý omáčkou, která byla skyslá. Děkuju pěkně už nikdy tady
I was really looking forward to having a kebab after the first bite and flying into the first trash can after the first bite. The meat was incredibly greasy and tasteless, and the whole kebab was topped with a sauce that was sour. Thank you very much never here again
Pavel Latal on Google

Jídlo po dvou soustech letělo do popelnice. Naprosto nepoživatelné, kyselé od zelí nebo omáčky. Obsluha nepříjemná, místo zákazníků a pálícího se masa si hleděla televize. Suroviny přes sklo viditelně oschlé, omáčky nažloutlé a nevzhledné. Celkový dojem velmi špatný. Na kebab jsem měl chuť, ale po této zkušenosti tady už nikdy
Pablo Martínez on Google

I'm not a person who usually complains about service at all (I understand that we can all have a bad day), but I lived a nightmare there today. The manners of the attendat were already quite bad when I was ordering, complaining about the fact that I ordered drinks after I had ordered the food (it was the first time I found a restaurant complaining about a client who wanted to spend more money). But the icing on the cake took place when I asked if the if the durum could be separated into two pieces (I wasn't eating alone). The aggresive reaction of the attendant (a lady), who literally scream at me (alleguing that my czech was terrible and that it was my fault and that she couldn't do it) made me want to leave immediately and remove any traces of appetite. When the chef finally cut it and gave it back to me, I politely replied "Dekuju moc". As an answer, I recevied "Ja nedekuju". After I said "To neni normalni reakce", I was screamed again. And, in addition to all of this, the falafel durum was terrible. With a very extremely bitter taste that seemed to indicate that the food might not have been in a perfect state. I couldn't eat it. I have always tried to be polite to workers in restaurants (since I myself have experience working there), but a place that treats its clients in such an awful way made me regret all the money and tips that I've spent there. Of course, as a foreigner, my czech is far from being perfect but, as many, I do my best to improve it and to cause the minimum amount of problems. There are many other kebabs (and restaurants in general) who treat their clients in a better war. Don't waste your time there. Strašný. Moc strašny.

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